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[642] Bhatia, Vijay K.. Analysing Genre: Language Use in Professional Settings In Applied Linguistics and Language Study, Edited by Christopher N. Candlin. London: Longman, 1993.
[1152] Bhatia, Vijay K.. Analysing Genre: Language Use in Professional Settings. London: Longman, 1993.
[694] Cope, Bill, Mary Kalantzis, Gunther Kress, and Jim Martin. "Bibliographic Essay: Developing the Theory and Practice of Genre-based Literacy." In The Powers of Literacy: A Genre Approach to Teaching Writing, edited by Bill Cope, Mary Kalantzis and Jean Ferguson Carr, 231-247. Pittsburgh Series in Composition, Literacy, and Culture. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1993.
[811] Journet, Debra. "Biological Explanation, Political Ideology, and 'Blurred Genres': A Bakhtinian Reading of the Science Essays of J. B. S. Haldane." Technical Communication Quarterly 2 (1993): 185-204.
[RN69] Journet, Debra. "Biological explanation, political ideology, and 'blurred genres': A Bakhtinian reading of the science essays of J. B. S. Haldane." Technical Communication Quarterly 2 (1993): 185-204.
[RN208] Mendelson, Michael. "A Dialogical Model for Business Correspondence." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 7 (1993): 283-311.
[971] Sullivan, Dale. "The Epideictic Character of Rhetorical Criticism." Rhetoric Review 11 (1993): 339-349.
[970] Sullivan, Dale. "The Ethos of Epideictic Encounter." Philosophy and Rhetoric 26 (1993): 113-133.
[718] Downey, Sharon D.. "The Evolution of the Rhetorical Genre of Apologia." Western Journal of Communication 57 (1993): 42-64.
[708] Devitt, Amy J.. "Generalizing about Genre: New Conceptions of an Old Concept." College Composition and Communication 44 (1993): 573-586.
[838] van Leeuwen, Theo. "Genre and Field in Critical Discourse Analysis: A Synopsis." Discourse and Society 4 (1993): 193-223.
[729] Fahnestock, Jeanne. "Genre and Rhetorical Craft." Research in the Teaching of English 27 (1993): 265-271.
[827] Kress, Gunther. "Genre as Social Process." In The Powers of Literacy: A Genre Approach to Teaching Writing, edited by Bill Cope and Mary Kalantzis, 22-37. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1993.
[843] Liestøl, Gunnar. "Hypermedia Communication and Academic Discourse: Some Speculations on a Future Genre." In The Computer as Medium, edited by Peter Bøgh Andersen, Berit Holmqvist and Jens F. Jense, 263-283. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
[RN38] Conno, Jennifer J.. "Medical Text and Historical Context: Research Issues and Methods in History and Technical Communication." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 23 (1993): 211-232.
[735] Fishelov, David. Metaphors of Genre. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, 1993.
[693] Cope, Bill, and Mary Kalantzis. The Powers of Literacy: A Genre Approach to Teaching Writing In Pittsburgh Series in Composition, Literacy, and Culture, Edited by David Bartholomae and Jean Ferguson Carr. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1993.
[936] Schryer, Catherine F.. "Records as Genre." Written Communication 10 (1993): 200-234.
[RN238] Schryer, Catherine F.. "Records as Genre." Written Communication 10 (1993): 200-234.
[637] Berkenkotter, Carol, and Thomas N. Huckin. "Rethinking Genre from a Sociocognitive Perspective." Written Communication 10 (1993): 475-509.
[750] Freedman, Aviva. "Show and Tell? The Role of Explicit Teaching in the Learning of New Genres." Research in the Teaching of English 27 (1993): 222-251.
[1175] Lee, Carol D.. Signifying as a Scaffold for Literary Interpretation: The Pedagogical Implications of an African American Discourse Genre. Urbana: NCTE, 1993.
[749] Freedman, Aviva. "Situating Genre: A Rejoinder." Research in the Teaching of English 27 (1993): 272-281.
