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[RN169] Dannels, Deanna P., and Kelly Norris Martin. "Critiquing Critiques: A Genre Analysis of Feedback Across Novice to Expert Design Studios." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 22 (2008): 135-159.
[702] Dannels, Deanna P., and Martin Kelly Norris. "Critiquing Critiques: A Genre Analysis of Feedback Across Novice to Expert Design Studios." Journal of Business & Technical Communication 22 (2008): 135-159.
[1238] Dean, Deborah. Genre theory: Teaching, writing, and being. Urbana, Ill: National Council of Teachers of English, 2008.
[RN78] Diehl, Amy, Jeffrey T. Grabill, William Hart-Davidson, and Vishal Iyer. "Grassroots: Supporting the Knowledge Work of Everyday Life." Technical Communication Quarterly 17 (2008): 413-434.
[720] Dryer, Dylan B.. "The Persistence of Institutional Memory: Genre Uptake and Program Reform." Writing Program Administration 3` (2008): 32-51.
[700] Danielewicz, Jane. "Personal Genres, Public Voices." College Composition and Communication 59 (2008): 420-450.
[719] Dryer, Dylan B.. "Taking Up Space: On Genre Systems as Geographies of the Possible." JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory 28 (2008): 503-534.
[714] Ding, Huiling. "The Use of Cognitive and Social Apprenticeship to Teach a Disciplinary Genre: Initiation of Graduate Students into NIH Grant Writing." Written Communication 25 (2008): 3-52.
[1027] Devitt, Amy J.. "Teaching Critical Genre Awareness." In Genre in a Changing World, edited by Charles Bazerman, Adair Bonini and Débora Figueiredo, 337-351. Fort Collins, CO: WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press, 2009.
[1199] Drott, E. "The End(s) of Genre." Journal of Music Theory 57, no. 1 (2013): 1-45.
[1252] Drott, Eric. "The End(s) of Genre." Journal of Music Theory 57, no. 1 (2013): 1-45.
[RN232] Dusenberry, Lisa, Liz Hutter, and Joy Robinson. "Filter. Remix. Make.: Cultivating Adaptability Through Multimodality." Journal of Technical Writing & Communication 45 (2015): 299-322.
[1414] Rulyova, Natalia, and Garin Dowd. Genre Trajectories: Identifying, Mapping, Projecting. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
