
Your Full Name: 
Vijay K Bhatia
Retired Professor, City University of Hong Kong
Department/Program Affiliation: 
English Department
Professional Status: 
Retired Professor


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Dr. Vijay Bhatia has recently retired as a Visiting Professor in the Department of English. Some of his recent research projects include Analyzing Genre-bending in Corporate Disclosure Documents, and International Arbitration Practice: A Discourse Analytical Study, in which he leads research teams from more than 20 countries. His research interests are: Genre Analysis of academic and professional discourses in legal, business, newspaper, advertising contexts; simplification of legal and other public documents; cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary variations in professional genres. His publications include journal articles, books chapters, edited volumes, and individually written books. Two of his books Analysing Genre: Language Use in Professional Settings and Worlds of Written Discourse: A Genre-based View, are widely used by researchers in genre theory and practice. He is also the founding President of the LSP and Professional Communication Association for the Asia-Pacific Rim