About GXB

Genre is a idea that crosses disciplinary, national, methodological, conceptual, and pedagogical borders. The purpose of Genre across Borders (GXB) is to advance genre theory and research by helping scholars and students cross these borders. The site combines two primary functions:

  • As a reference guide to scholarship in the many fields of genre study
  • As a networking portal for scholars and teachers

GXB aims to offer a comprehensive overview of the multiple strands of genre scholarship and their relationships, in order to catalyze intellectual exchange and pedagogical innovation and to help us understand the processes and motivations of genre development, evolution, and circulation.

GXB now features translations of research introductions on our Research page. Contact us to contribute a translation. You may also select an interface display language on your Profile page.

More about GXB >

Sample Bibliography

[1050] Swales, JM. (2009).  Worlds of genre—metaphors of genre. (Bazerman, C., Bonini A., & Figueiredo D., Ed.).Genre in a changing world. 3-16.

Glossary Sample

Genre migration is the reproduction of a genre established in one medium or community within another medium or community. It is usually unreflective or unpremeditated action and reflects the power of institutions to propagate established ways of doing things.

User Spotlight

Name: Dory Fox
Institution: University of Michigan
Department/Program Affiliation: English Language and Literature
Education: BA
Status: PhD student

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