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[863] Martin, J. R.. "Analysing Genre: Functional Parameters." In Genre and Institutions: Social Processes in the Workplace and the School, edited by Frances Christie and J. R. Martin, 3-39. London: Cassell, 1997.
[821] Kessler, Brett, Geoffrey Nunberg, and Hinrich Schuetze. "Automatic Detection of Text Genre." In Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and Eighth Conference of teh European Association for Computational Linguistics, 32-38. Madrid, 1997.
[1017] Yates, JoAnne, Wanda J. Orlikowski, and Julie Rennecker. "Collaborative Genres for Collaboration: Genre Systems in Digital Media." In Thirtieth Annual Hawaii Conference on System Sciences, 50-59. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997.
[1018] Yates, Simeon J., and Tamara R. Sumner. "Digital Genres and the New Burden of Fixity." In Thirtieth Annual Hawaii Conference on System Sciences, 3-12. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997.
[829] Kuhn, T.. "The Discourse of Issues Management: A Genre of Organizational Communication." Communication Quarterly 45 (1997): 188-210.
[RN71] Rude, Carolyn D.. "Environmental Policy Making and the Report Genre." Technical Communication Quarterly 6 (1997): 77-90.
[1285] Rude, Carolyn D.. "Environmental Policy Making and the Report Genre." Technical Communication Quarterly 6, no. 1 (1997): 77-99.
[RN242] Van Nostrand, A. D.. Fundable Knowledge: The Marketing of Defense Technology. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1997.
[678] Christie, Frances, and J. R. Martin. Genre and Institutions: Social Processes in the Workplace and School. London: Cassell, 1997.
[624] Bazerman, Charles. "Genre and Social Science." In Making and Unmaking the Prospects for Rhetoric, edited by Theresa Enos, Richard McNabb, Carolyn R. Miler and Roxanne Mountford. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997.
[645] Bishop, Wendy, and Hans Ostrom. Genre and Writing: Issues, Arguments, Alternatives. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Heinemann, 1997.
[1222] Peters, Brad. "Genre, Antigenre, and Reinventing the Forms of Conceptualization." In Genre and Writing: Issues, Arguments, Alternatives, edited by Wendy Bishop and Hans Ostrom, 199-214. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1997.
[899] Paltridge, Brian. Genre, Frames and Writing in Research Settings In Pragmatics and Beyond, Edited by Andreas H. Jucker. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1997.
[976] Taavitsainen, Irma. "Genres and Text Types in Medieval and Renaissance English." Poetica: An International Journal of Linguistic-Literary Studies 47 (1997): 49-62.
[674] Chandler, Daniel. An Introduction to Genre Theory. Vol. 2007. University of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1997.
[1174] Freedman, Aviva. "Navigating the Current of Economic Policy: Written Genres and the Distribution of Cognitive Work at a Financial Institution." Mind, Culture, and Activity 4, no. 4 (1997): 238-255.
[738] Fitter, Chris. "The Poetic Nocturne: From Ancient Motif to Renaissance Genre." Early Modern Literary Studies: A Journal of Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century English Literature 3 (1997).
[RN43] Klein, William D., and Bernard Mckenna. "Policies and Procedures." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 27 (1997): 147-161.
[1149] Bhatia, Vijay K.. "The Power and Politics of Genre." World Englishes 16, no. 3 (1997): 359-371.
[643] Bhatia, Vijay K.. "The Power and Politics of Genre." World Englishes 16 (1997): 359-371.
[RN239] Russell, David R.. "Rethinking Genre in School and Society: An Activity Theory Analysis." Written Communication 14 (1997): 504-554.
[926] Russell, David R.. "Rethinking Genre in School and Society: An Activity Theory Analysis." Written Communication 14 (1997): 504-554.
[RN34] Kolta, Tibor. "The Role of Abstracting in 'Professional Documentation,' A Technical Writing Class for Hungarian Students of English Translation." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 27 (1997): 277-289.
[726] Erickson, Thomas. Social Interaction on the Net: Virtual Community as Participatory Genre In Thirtieth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Science. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997.
[RN40] Mckenna, Bernard, and Glen Thomas. "A Survey of Recent Technical Writing Textbooks." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 27 (1997): 441-452.
