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[RN240] McCarthy, Lucille Parkinson, and Joan P. Gerring. "Revising Psychiatry's Charter Document: DSM-IV." Written Communication 11 (1994): 147-92.
[874] Miller, Carolyn R.. "Rhetorical Community: The Cultural Basis of Genre." In Genre and the New Rhetoric, edited by Aviva Freedman and Peter Medway, 67-78. London: Taylor and Francis, 1994.
[874] Miller, Carolyn R.. "Rhetorical Community: The Cultural Basis of Genre." In Genre and the New Rhetoric, edited by Aviva Freedman and Peter Medway, 67-78. London: Taylor and Francis, 1994.
[RN250] Bazerman, Charles. "Systems of Genres and the Enactment of Social Intentions." In Genre and the New Rhetoric, edited by Aviva Freedman and Peter Medway, 79-101. London: Taylor and Francis, 1994.
[622] Bazerman, Charles. "Systems of Genres and the Enactment of Social Intentions." In Genre and the New Rhetoric, edited by Aviva Freedman and Peter Medway, 79-101. London: Taylor and Francis, 1994.
[1045] Bazerman, Charles. "Systems of genres and the enactment of social intentions." In Genre and the new rhetoric, edited by Aviva Freedman and Peter Medway, 79-101. London: Taylor and Francis, 1994.
[680] Coe, Richard M.. "Teaching Genre as Process." In Learning and Teaching Genre, edited by Aviva Freedman and Peter Medway, 157-169. Boynton/Cook, 1994.
[1036] Mirtz, Ruth. "The Territorial Demands of Form and Process: The Case for Student Writing as a Genre." In Genre and Writing: Issues, Arguments, Alternatives, edited by Wendy Bishop and Hans Ostrom, 190-198. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1994.
[973] Swales, John M.. "Occluded Genres in the Academy: The Case of the Submission Letter." In Academic Writing: Intercultural and Textual Issues, edited by E. Vantola and A. Mauranen, 45-58. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1996.
[863] Martin, J. R.. "Analysing Genre: Functional Parameters." In Genre and Institutions: Social Processes in the Workplace and the School, edited by Frances Christie and J. R. Martin, 3-39. London: Cassell, 1997.
[863] Martin, J. R.. "Analysing Genre: Functional Parameters." In Genre and Institutions: Social Processes in the Workplace and the School, edited by Frances Christie and J. R. Martin, 3-39. London: Cassell, 1997.
[678] Christie, Frances, and J. R. Martin. Genre and Institutions: Social Processes in the Workplace and School. London: Cassell, 1997.
[624] Bazerman, Charles. "Genre and Social Science." In Making and Unmaking the Prospects for Rhetoric, edited by Theresa Enos, Richard McNabb, Carolyn R. Miler and Roxanne Mountford. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997.
[624] Bazerman, Charles. "Genre and Social Science." In Making and Unmaking the Prospects for Rhetoric, edited by Theresa Enos, Richard McNabb, Carolyn R. Miler and Roxanne Mountford. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997.
[624] Bazerman, Charles. "Genre and Social Science." In Making and Unmaking the Prospects for Rhetoric, edited by Theresa Enos, Richard McNabb, Carolyn R. Miler and Roxanne Mountford. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997.
[RN43] Klein, William D., and Bernard Mckenna. "Policies and Procedures." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 27 (1997): 147-161.
[RN40] Mckenna, Bernard, and Glen Thomas. "A Survey of Recent Technical Writing Textbooks." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 27 (1997): 441-452.
