
This Bibliography is for peer-reviewed academic research and scholarship. For other genre-related publications and sources, please see the Resources page and contribute such material there.


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[849] Liu, Yameng. "Disciplinary Politics and the Institutionalization of the Generic Triad in Classical Rhetoric." College English 57 (1995): 9-26.
[RN25] Orbel, Brenda. "The DoD Tailhook Report: Unanswered Questions." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 25 (1995): 201-213.
[1251] Fornäs, Johan. "The Future of Rock: Discourses That Struggle to Define a Genre." 14, no. 1 (1995): 111-125.
[639] Berkenkotter, Carol, and Thomas N. Huckin. "Gatekeeping at an Academic Convention." In Genre Knowledge in Disciplinary Communication, 97-116. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1995.
[1095] Harris, Trudier. "Genre." Journal of American Folklore 108, no. 430 (1995): 509-527.
[1426] Paltridge, Brian. "Genre and the notion of prototype. ." Prospect 10, no. 3 (1995): 28-34.
[815] Kamberelis, George. "Genre as Institutionally Informed Social Practice." Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 6 (1995): 115-171.
[638] Berkenkotter, Carol, and Thomas N. Huckin. Genre Knowledge in Disciplinary Communication: Cognition/Culture/Power. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1995.
[1194] Bhatia, V.K.. "Genre-mixing and in professional communication: the case of 'private intentions' v. 'socially recognized purposes'." In Explorations in English for Professional Communication. Hong Kong: Department of English, City University of Hong Kong, 1995.
[677] Charney, Davida H., and Richard A. Carlson. "Learning to Write in a Genre: What Students Take from Model Texts." Research in the Teaching of English 29 (1995): 88-125.
[1266] Brown, Vivienne. "The moral self and ethical dialogism: Three genres." Philosophy and Rhetoric 28, no. 4 (1995): 276-299.
[640] Berkenkotter, Carol, and Thomas N. Huckin. "News Value in Scientific Journal Articles." In Genre Knowledge in Disciplinary Communication: Cognition/Culture/Power, 27-44. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1995.
[RN177] Rude, Carolyn D.. "The Report for Decision Making: Genre and Inquiry." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 9 (1995): 170-205.
[1047] Martin, J. R.. "Text and Clause: Fractal Resonance." Text 15, no. 1 (1995): 5-42.
[767] Giordano, Peggy C.. "The Wider Circle of Friends in Adolescence." American Journal of Sociology 101 (1995): 661-697.
[RN133] Dennett, J.T. "Australia uses genre analysis to address workplace literacy." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 39 (1996): 115-116.
[RN39] Van Der Meij, Hans. "A Closer Look at Visual Manuals." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 26 (1996): 371-383.
[RN178] Goodwin, Jill Tomasson. "'Cover your Tracks': A Case Study of Genre, Rhetoric, and Ideology in Two Psycholegal Reports." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 10 (1996): 167-186.
[799] Hyon, Sunny. "Genre in Three Traditions: Implications for ESL." TESOL Quarterly 30 (1996): 693-722.
[RN88] Lott, Heidi M., and Marilyn Barrett-O'Leary. "Implications of Professional Writing Experiences of Academic Veterinary Scientists for Technical Writing Pedagogy." Technical Communication Quarterly 5 (1996): 169-181.
[RN52] Battali, John T.. "The Interplay Between Narrative, Education, and Exposition in an Emerging Science." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 26 (1996): 177-191.
[RN200] Freedman, Aviva, and Christine Adam. "Learning to Write Professionally: Situated Learning and the Transition from University to Professional Discourse." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 10 (1996): 395-427.
[893] Ochs, Elinor, and Lisa Capps. "Narrating the Self." Annual Reviews of Anthropology 25 (1996): 19-43.
[973] Swales, John M.. "Occluded Genres in the Academy: The Case of the Submission Letter." In Academic Writing: Intercultural and Textual Issues, edited by E. Vantola and A. Mauranen, 45-58. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1996.
[964] Spooner, Michael, and Kathleen Yancey. "Postings on a Genre of Email." College Composition and Communication 47 (1996): 252-278.
