
This Bibliography is for peer-reviewed academic research and scholarship. For other genre-related publications and sources, please see the Resources page and contribute such material there.


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Journal Article
[1310] Zwaan, Rolf A.. "Effect of Genre Expectations on Text Comprehension." Journal of Experimental Psychology 20, no. 4 (1994): 920-330.
[1274] Davies, S R.. "Doing Dialogue: Genre and Flexibility in Public Engagement with Science." Science as Culture 18, no. 4 (2010): 397-416.
[RN54] Sapienza, Filipp. "Does Being Technical Matter? XML, Single Source, and Technical Communication." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 32 (2002): 155-170.
[RN25] Orbel, Brenda. "The DoD Tailhook Report: Unanswered Questions." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 25 (1995): 201-213.
[1783] Thieme, Katja. "Do We Need New Method Names? Descriptions of Method in Scholarship on Canadian Literature." ESC: English Studies in Canada 44, no. 1 (2017): 91-110.
[685] Cohen, Ralph. "Do Postmodern Genres Exist?" Genre 20 (1987): 241-257.
[1282] Skågeby, Jörgen. "Dismantling the Guitar Hero? A Case of Prodused Parody and Disarmed Subversion." Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 19, no. 1 (2012): 63-76.
[1227] Skageby, Jorgen. "Dismantling the guitar hero? A case of prodused parody and disarmed subversion." Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 19, no. 1 (2013): 63-76.
[1044] Erjavec, K., and M. P. Kovacic. "A discursive approach to genre: Mobi news." European Journal of Communication 24, no. 2 (2009): 147-164.
[1711] Lassen, Inger. "Discourse trajectories in a nexus of genres." Journal of Discourse Studies 18, no. 4: 409-429.
[829] Kuhn, T.. "The Discourse of Issues Management: A Genre of Organizational Communication." Communication Quarterly 45 (1997): 188-210.
[RN187] Barton, Ellen. "Discourse Methods and Critical Practice in Professional Communication: The Front-Stage and Back-Stage Discourse of Prognosis in Medicine." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 18 (2004): 67-111.
[1307] Muecke, Stephen. "Discourse, History, Fiction: Language and Aboriginal History." Australian Journal of Cultural Studies 1, no. 1 (1983): 71-79.
[779] Hanks, William F.. "Discourse Genres in a Theory of Practice." American Ethnologist 14 (1987): 668-692.
[757] Frow, John. "Discourse Genres." Journal of Literary Semantics 9 (1980): 73-81.
[1166] Borg, E.. "Discourse community." ELT Journal 57, no. 4 (2003): 398-400.
[875] Miller, Carolyn R., and David A. Jolliffe. "Discourse Classifications in Nineteenth-Century Rhetorical Pedagogy." Southern Speech Communication Journal 51 (1986): 371-384.
[849] Liu, Yameng. "Disciplinary Politics and the Institutionalization of the Generic Triad in Classical Rhetoric." College English 57 (1995): 9-26.
[602] Askehave, Inger, and Anne Ellerup Nielsen. "Digital Genres: A Challenge to Traditional Genre Theory." Information, Technology & People 18 (2005): 120-141.
[RN157] Samson, C.. ".., Is Different From ,.. : A Corpus-Based Study of Evaluative Adjectives in Economics Discourse." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 49 (2006): 236-245.
[1005] Windt, Theodore Otto, Jr.. "The Diatribe: Last Resort for Protest." Quarterly Journal of Speech 58 (1972): 1-14.
[RN208] Mendelson, Michael. "A Dialogical Model for Business Correspondence." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 7 (1993): 283-311.
[RN171] Zucchermaglio, Cristina, and Alessandra Talamo. "The Development of a Virtual Community of Practices Using Electronic Mail and Communicative Genres." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 17 (2003): 259-284.
[1022] Zucchermaglio, Cristina, and Alessndra Talamo. "The Development of a Virtual Community of Practices Using Electronic Mail and Communicative Genres." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 17 (2003): 259-284.
[RN112] Derkatch, Colleen. "Demarcating Medicine's Boundaries: Constituting and Categorizing in the Journals of the American Medical Association." Technical Communication Quarterly 21 (2012): 210-229.
