
This Bibliography is for peer-reviewed academic research and scholarship. For other genre-related publications and sources, please see the Resources page and contribute such material there.


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[1005] Windt, Theodore Otto, Jr.. "The Diatribe: Last Resort for Protest." Quarterly Journal of Speech 58 (1972): 1-14.
[RN208] Mendelson, Michael. "A Dialogical Model for Business Correspondence." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 7 (1993): 283-311.
[RN171] Zucchermaglio, Cristina, and Alessandra Talamo. "The Development of a Virtual Community of Practices Using Electronic Mail and Communicative Genres." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 17 (2003): 259-284.
[1022] Zucchermaglio, Cristina, and Alessndra Talamo. "The Development of a Virtual Community of Practices Using Electronic Mail and Communicative Genres." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 17 (2003): 259-284.
[RN276] Smart, Graham, and Nicole Brown. "Developing a 'Discursive Gaze'': Participatory Action Research with Student Interns Encountering New Genres in the Activity of the Workplace." In Rhetorical Genre Studies and Beyond, edited by Natasha Artemeva and Aviva Freedman, 241-279. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Inkshed, 2008.
[RN112] Derkatch, Colleen. "Demarcating Medicine's Boundaries: Constituting and Categorizing in the Journals of the American Medical Association." Technical Communication Quarterly 21 (2012): 210-229.
[786] Henderson, J.. "Defining the Genre of the Letter: Juan Luis Vives' De conscribendis epistolis." Renaissance and Reformation 7 (1983): 89-105.
[666] Campbell, Karlyn Kohrs, and Kathleen Hall Jamieson. Deeds Done in Words: Presidential Rhetoric and the Genres of Governance. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.
[770] Grafton, Anthony. "Death of a Genre." In What Was History? The Art of History in Early Modern Europe, 189-254. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
[740] Folsom, Ed. "Database as Genre: The Epic Transformation of Archives." Publications of the Modern Language Association 122 (2007): 1571-1579.
[1140] Lopate, Phillip. "Curiouser and Curiouser: The Practice of Nonfiction Today." The Iowa Review 36, no. 1 (2006).
[1223] Kamberelis, G., and T. Bovino. "Cultural Artifacts as Scaffolds for Genre Development." Reading Research Quarterly 34 (1999): 138-170.
[880] Mittell, Jason. "A Cultural Approach to Television Genre Theory." Cinema Journal 40 (2001): 3-24.
[1730] Mehlenbacher, Ashley Rose. "Crowdfunding Science: Exigencies and Strategies in an Emerging Genre of Science Communication." Technical Communication Quarterly 26, no. 2 (2017): 127-144.
[1173] Johns, Ann M.. "Crossing the Boundaries of Genre Studies: Commentaries by Experts." Journal of Second Language Writing 15, no. 3 (2006): 234-249.
[RN169] Dannels, Deanna P., and Kelly Norris Martin. "Critiquing Critiques: A Genre Analysis of Feedback Across Novice to Expert Design Studios." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 22 (2008): 135-159.
[702] Dannels, Deanna P., and Martin Kelly Norris. "Critiquing Critiques: A Genre Analysis of Feedback Across Novice to Expert Design Studios." Journal of Business & Technical Communication 22 (2008): 135-159.
[906] Penzhorn, Heidi, and Magriet Pitout. "A Critical-Historical Genre Analysis of Reality Television." Communicatio 33 (2007): 62-76.
[1246] Elmborg, James K.. "Critical information literacy: Implications for instructional practice." Journal of Academic Librarianship 32, no. 2 (2006): 192-199.
[RN201] Hovde, Marjorie Rush. "Creating Procedural Discourse and Knowledge for Software Users: Beyond Translation and Transmission." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 24 (2010): 164-205.
[RN178] Goodwin, Jill Tomasson. "'Cover your Tracks': A Case Study of Genre, Rhetoric, and Ideology in Two Psycholegal Reports." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 10 (1996): 167-186.
[841] Levering, Ryan, and Michal Cutler. "Cost-Sensitive Feature Extraction and Selection in Genre Classification." Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics 24 (2009): 57-72.
[RN142] Kaufer, D., and S. Ishizaki. "A Corpus Study of Canned Letters: Mining the Latent Rhetorical Proficiencies Marketed to Writers-in-a-Hurry and Non-Writers." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 49 (2006): 254-266.
[RN141] De Groot, E.B., H. Korzilius, C.N. Ickerson, and M Gerritsen. "A Corpus Analysis of Text Themes and Photographic Themes in Managerial Forewords of Dutch-English and British Annual General Reports." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 49 (2006): 217-235.
[RN130] Bhatia, A. "The Corporate Social Responsibility Report: The Hybridization of a ìConfusedî Genre (2007ñ2011)." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 55 (2012): 221-238.
