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[729] Fahnestock, Jeanne. "Genre and Rhetorical Craft." Research in the Teaching of English 27 (1993): 265-271.
[741] Forman, Murray. "Television Before Television Genre: The Case of Popular Music." Journal of Popular Film and Television 31 (2003): 5-16.
[1116] Clark, Malcolm, Ian Ruthven, and Patrik O'Brian Holt. "Genre analysis of structured e-mails for corpus profiling." In Proceedings of the 2008 BCS-IRSG conference on Corpus Profiling. Swinton, UK, UK: British Computer Society, 2008.
professional identity
[941] Schryer, Catherine F., Lorelei Lingard, and Marlee Spafford. "Regularized Practices: Genres, Improvisation, and Identity Formation in Health-Care Professions." In Communicative Practices in Workplaces and the Professions: Cultural Perspectives on the Regulation of Discourse and Organizations, edited by Charlotte Thralls and Mark Zachry, 21-44. Amityville, NY: Baywood, 2007.
professional genres
[1751] Guinda, Carmen Sancho. Engagement in Professional Genres In Pragmatics & Beyond New Series. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2019.
[707] Devitt, Amy J.. "Intertextuality in Tax Accounting: Generic, Referential, and Functional." In Textual Dynamics of the Professions: Historical and Contemporary Studies of Writing in Professional Communities, edited by Charles Bazerman and James Paradis, 336-335. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1991.
[712] DiMaggio, Paul. "Classification in Art." American Sociological Review 52 (1987): 440-455.
[1227] Skageby, Jorgen. "Dismantling the guitar hero? A case of prodused parody and disarmed subversion." Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 19, no. 1 (2013): 63-76.
[741] Forman, Murray. "Television Before Television Genre: The Case of Popular Music." Journal of Popular Film and Television 31 (2003): 5-16.
product liability
[1390] Todd, Jeff. "Genre Theory for Product Instructions and Warnings." Washburn Law Journal 54, no. 2 (2015): 303-328.
process time
[723] Dunmire, Patricia L.. "Genre as Temporally Situated Social Action." Written Communication 17 (2000): 93-138.
[891] Neale, Steve. "Questions of Genre." Screen 31 (1990): 45-66.
[591] Altman, Rick. Film/Genre. London: British Film Institute, 1999.
Procedural knowledge
[1316] Bruce, Ian. "Cognitive genre structures in Methods sections of research articles: A corpus study." Journal of English for Academic Purposes 7, no. 1 (2008): 38-54.
[867] McNeill, Laurie. "Teaching an Old Genre New Tricks: The Diary on the Internet." Biography 26 (2003): 24-47.
[988] van Dijck, José. "Composing the Self: Of Diaries and Lifelogs." Fibreculture: Internet Theory, Criticism, Research (2004):
[966] Steinitz, Rebecca. "Writing Diaries, Reading Diaries: The Mechanics of Memory." The Communication Review 2 (1997): 43-58.
[675] Chandler, Daniel. Personal Home Pages and the Construction of Identities on the Web. Vol. 2004. University of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1998.
