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[RN72] Blakeslee, Ann M.. "Bridging the Workplace and the Academy: Teaching Professional Genres through Classroom-Workplace Collaborations." Technical Communication Quarterly 10 (2001): 169-192.
[790] Herring, Susan C., Lois Ann Scheidt, Sabrina Bonus, and Elijah Wright. "Bridging the Gap: A Genre Analysis of Weblogs." In Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Science, edited by Jr. Sprague, Ralph H., 101-111. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004.
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[RN261] Wojahn, Patricia, Julie Dyke, Linda Ann Riley, Edward Hensel, and Stuart C. Brown. "Blurring Boundaries between Technical Communication and Engineering: Challenges of a Multidisciplinary, Client-Based Pedagogy." Technical Communication Quarterly 10 (2001): 129-148.
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[934] Schmidt, Jan. "Blogging Practices: An Analytical Framework." Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 12 (2007): 1409-1427.
[877] Miller, Carolyn R., and Dawn Shepherd. "Blogging as Social Action: A Genre Analysis of the Weblog." In Into the Blogosphere: Rhetoric, Community, and the Culture of Weblogs, edited by Laura Gurak, Smiljana Antonijevic, Laurie Johnson, Clancy Ratliff and Jessica Reymann. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Libraries,, 2004.
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[RN69] Journet, Debra. "Biological explanation, political ideology, and 'blurred genres': A Bakhtinian reading of the science essays of J. B. S. Haldane." Technical Communication Quarterly 2 (1993): 185-204.
[811] Journet, Debra. "Biological Explanation, Political Ideology, and 'Blurred Genres': A Bakhtinian Reading of the Science Essays of J. B. S. Haldane." Technical Communication Quarterly 2 (1993): 185-204.
[RN17] Moran, Michael G., and Elizabeth Tebeaux. "A Bibliography of Works Published in the History of Professional Communication from 1994-2009: Part 2." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 42 (2012): 57-86.
[694] Cope, Bill, Mary Kalantzis, Gunther Kress, and Jim Martin. "Bibliographic Essay: Developing the Theory and Practice of Genre-based Literacy." In The Powers of Literacy: A Genre Approach to Teaching Writing, edited by Bill Cope, Mary Kalantzis and Jean Ferguson Carr, 231-247. Pittsburgh Series in Composition, Literacy, and Culture. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1993.
[634] Benoit, William L.. "Beyond Genre Theory: The Genesis of Rhetorical Action." Communication Monographs 67 (2000): 178-192.
[RN97] Ranney, Frances J.. "Beyond Foucault: Toward a user-centered approach to sexual harassment policy." Technical Communication Quarterly 9 (2000): 9/28/2015.
[1416] Tardy, Christine M.. Beyond Convention: Genre Innovation in Academic Writing In English Language Teaching. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2016.
[967] Stevens, Scott. "The Better Part of Pedagogy." Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture 1 (2002): 373-385.
[1135] Singer, Margot, and Nicole Walker. Bending Genre: Essays on Creative Nonfiction. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013.
[1292] Lena, J.C.. Banding Together: How Communities Create Genres in Popular Music.. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press., 2012.
