
This Bibliography is for peer-reviewed academic research and scholarship. For other genre-related publications and sources, please see the Resources page and contribute such material there.


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[RN167] Converse, Caren Wakerman. "Unpoetic Justice: Ideology and the Individual in the Genre of the Presentence Investigation." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 26 (2012): 442-478.
[RN125] Cook, Kelli Cargile. "How Much is Enough? The Assessment of Student Work in Technical Communication Courses." Technical Communication Quarterly 12 (2003): 47-65.
[693] Cope, Bill, and Mary Kalantzis. The Powers of Literacy: A Genre Approach to Teaching Writing In Pittsburgh Series in Composition, Literacy, and Culture, Edited by David Bartholomae and Jean Ferguson Carr. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1993.
[694] Cope, Bill, Mary Kalantzis, Gunther Kress, and Jim Martin. "Bibliographic Essay: Developing the Theory and Practice of Genre-based Literacy." In The Powers of Literacy: A Genre Approach to Teaching Writing, edited by Bill Cope, Mary Kalantzis and Jean Ferguson Carr, 231-247. Pittsburgh Series in Composition, Literacy, and Culture. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1993.
[695] Corcoran, Paul E.. "Presidential Concession Speeches: The Rhetoric of Defeat." Political Communication 11 (1994): 109-131.
[696] Cover, Jennifer Grouling, and Tim Lockridge. "Icons and Genre: The Affordances of" Reconstruction 9 (2009):
[1772] Cristovao, V. L.. "Towads a hybrid approach to genre teaching: comparing the swiss and brazilian schools of socio-discursive interactionism and rhetorical genre studies." Diálogo das Letras 7, no. 2 (2018): 101-120.
[697] Crossley, Scott. "A Chronotopic Approach to Genre Analysis: An Exploratory Study." English for Specific Purposes 26 (2007): 4-24.
[699] Crowston, Kevin, and Marie Williams. "Reproduced and Emergent Genres of Communication on the World Wide Web." The Information Society 16 (2000): 201-215.
[698] Crowston, Kevin, and Barbara H. Kwasnik. "A Framework for Creating a Facetted Classification for Genres: Addressing Issues of Multidimensionality." In 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Science, edited by Jr. Sprague, Ralph H., 100-108. Big Island, Hawaii: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004.
[RN227] Cuan, Gregory P., and Stephen A. Bernhardt. "Missed Opportunities in the Review and Revision of Clinical Study Reports." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 26 (2012): 131-170.
[1289] Cunningham, Frank R.. "F. Scott Fitzgerald and the Problem of Film Adaptation." Literature/Film Quarterly 28, no. 3 (2000): 187-197.
[1098] D'Acci, J.. "Television: Genres." In International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, edited by N. J. Smelser and P. B. Baltes, 15574-78. New York: Elsevier, 2001.
[1139] D'Agata, John, and Deborah Tall. "The Lyric Essay." The Seneca Review.
[1143] D'Agata, John. The Seneca Review Special Issue on the Lyric Essay., 2007.
[700] Danielewicz, Jane. "Personal Genres, Public Voices." College Composition and Communication 59 (2008): 420-450.
[RN169] Dannels, Deanna P., and Kelly Norris Martin. "Critiquing Critiques: A Genre Analysis of Feedback Across Novice to Expert Design Studios." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 22 (2008): 135-159.
[RN165] Dannels, Deanna P.. "Relational Genre Knowledge and the Online Design Critique: Relational Authenticity in Preprofessional Genre Learning." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 25 (2011): 3-35.
[RN190] Dannels, Deanna P.. "Teaching and Learning Design Presentations in Engineering: Contradictions between Academic and Workplace Activity Systems." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 17 (2003): 139-169.
[RN219] Dannels, Deanna P.. "Learning to Be Professional: Technical Classroom Discourse, Practice, and Professional Identity Construction." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 14 (2000): 5-37.
[702] Dannels, Deanna P., and Martin Kelly Norris. "Critiquing Critiques: A Genre Analysis of Feedback Across Novice to Expert Design Studios." Journal of Business & Technical Communication 22 (2008): 135-159.
[701] Dannels, Deanna P.. "Performing tribal rituals: A genre analysis of 'crits' in design studios." Communication Education 54 (2005): 136-160.
[1274] Davies, S R.. "Doing Dialogue: Genre and Flexibility in Public Engagement with Science." Science as Culture 18, no. 4 (2010): 397-416.
[1137] Davis, Glyn, and Kay Dickinson. Teen Tv: Genre, Consumption, Identity. London: BFI Pub, 2004.
[RN122] Dayton, David, and Stephen A. Bernhardt. "Results of a Survey of ATTW Members, 2003." Technical Communication Quarterly 13 (2004): 13-43.
