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[854] Lüders, Marika. "Conceptualizing Personal Media." New Media & Society 10 (2008): 683-702.
[856] Luzón, María José. "Genre Analysis in Technical Communication." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 48 (2005): 285-295.
[1759] Luzón, Maria-José, and Carmen Pérez-Llantada. Science Communication on the Internet. Old genres meet new genres In Pragmatics & Beyond New Series . Vol. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2019.
[1741] Luzón, María José. "Public Communication of Science in Blogs." Written Communication 30531, no. 462 (2013): 428-457.
[1740] Luzón, María José. "Connecting Genres and Languages in Online Scholarly Communication: An Analysis of Research Group Blogs." Written Communication 341213, no. 433 (2017): 441-471.
[RN4] Luzón, María José. "The Added Value Features of Online Scholarly Journals." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 37 (2007): 59-73.
[RN128] Luzón, María José. "Genre analysis in technical communication." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 48 (2005): 285-295.
[RN3] Luzón, María José. "An Interactive Genre Within the University Textbook: The Preface." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 29 (1999): 409-429.
[1191] Luzzi, Joseph. "The Work of Genre: Labor, Identity, and Modern Capitalism in Wordsworth and Verga." PMLA 127, no. 4 (2012): 925-31.
[857] Lyon, J.. "Transforming Manifestoes: A Second Wave Problematic." Yale Journal of Criticism 5 (1991): 101-127.
[858] MacIntosh-Murray, Anu. "Poster Presentations as a Genre in Knowledge Communication: A Case Study of Forms, Norms, and Values." Science Communication 28 (2007): 347-376.
[RN225] Mackiewicz, Jo. "Compliments and Criticisms in Book Reviews About Business Communication." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 21 (2007): 188-215.
[RN102] MacMillan, Stuart. "The Promise of Ecological Inquiry in Writing Research." Technical Communication Quarterly 21 (2012): 346-361.
[859] Maingueneau, Dominique. "Analysis of an Academic Genre." Discourse Studies 4 (2002): 319-342.
[1242] Maíz, Claudio. "Problemas genológicos del discurso ensayístico: Origen y configuración de un género." Acta Literaria 28 (2003): 79-105.
[RN153] Malone, E.A. "Historical Studies of Technical Communication in the United States and England: A Fifteen-Year Retrospection and Guide to Resources." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 50 (2007): 333-351.
[860] Manley, Lawrence. Convention, 1500–1750. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1980.
[RN215] Mara, Andrew. "Ethos as Market Maker: The Creative Role of Technical Marketing Communication in an Aviation Start-Up." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 22 (2008): 429-453.
[RN77] Mara, Andrew. "Pedagogical Approaches: Using Charettes to Perform Civic Engagement in Technical Communication Classrooms and Workplaces." Technical Communication Quarterly 15 (2006): 215-236.
[861] Marcus, George E.. "Rhetoric and the Ethnographic Genre in Anthropological Research." Current Anthropology 21 (1980): 507-510.
[1254] Mark, Noah. "Birds of a Feather Sing Together." Social Forces 77, no. 2 (1998): 453-485.
[862] Marthaler, Berard L.. The Catechism Yesterday and Today: The Evolution of a Genre. Collegeville, MD: Liturgical Press, 1995.
[864] Martin, J. R., and David Rose. Genre Relations: Mapping Culture In Equinox Textbooks and Surveys in Linguistics. London: Equinox, 2008.
[863] Martin, J. R.. "Analysing Genre: Functional Parameters." In Genre and Institutions: Social Processes in the Workplace and the School, edited by Frances Christie and J. R. Martin, 3-39. London: Cassell, 1997.
[1176] Martin, J.R.. "Genre and Language Learning: A Social Semiotic Perspective." Linguistics and Education 20, no. 1 (2009): 12p.
