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[636] Berkenkotter, Carol. "Genre Systems at Work: DSM-IV and Rhetorical Recontextualization in Psychotherapy Paperwork." Written Communication 18 (2001): 326-349.
[634] Benoit, William L.. "Beyond Genre Theory: The Genesis of Rhetorical Action." Communication Monographs 67 (2000): 178-192.
[633] Beghtol, Clare. "The Concept of Genre and Its Characteristics." Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 27 (2001):
[631] Beaufort, Anne. "Learning the Trade: A Social Apprenticeship Model for Gaining Writing Expertise." Written Communication 17 (2000): 185-223.
[630] Beale, Walter H.. "On the Classification of Discourse Performances." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 7 (1977): 31-40.
[627] Bazerman, Charles. "What Activity Systems Are Literary Genres Part of?" Readerly/Writerly Texts 10 (2003): 97-106.
[619] Bazerman, Charles. "Modern Evolution of the Experimental Report in Physics: Spectroscopic Articles in Physical Review, 1893–1980." Social Studies of Science 14 (1984): 163-196.
[616] Bawarshi, Anis S.. "The Genre Function." College English 62 (2000): 335-360.
[614] Bauman, Richard. "Genre." Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 9 (1999): 84-87.
[613] Bauman, Marcy Lassota. "The Evolution of Internet Genres." Computers and Composition 16 (1999): 269-282.
[612] Bateman, John. "Introduction to the Special Issue on Genre." Linguistics and the Human Sciences 2 (2007): 177-183.
[606] Badran, Dany. "Hybrid Genres and the Cognitive Positioning of Audiences in the Political Discourse of Hizbollah." Critical Discourse Studies 7 (2010): 191-201.
[605] Ayers, Gael. "The Evolutionary Nature of Genre: An Investigation of the Short Texts Accompanying Research Articles in the Scientific Journal Nature." English for Specific Purposes 27 (2008): 22-41.
[604] Askehave, Inger, and Karen K. Zethsen. "Mandatory Genres: The Case of European Public Assessment Report (EPAR)." Text & Talk 28 (2008): 167-191.
[603] Askehave, Inger, and John M. Swales. "Genre Identification and Communicative Purpose: A Problem and a Possible Solution." Applied Linguistics 22 (2001): 195-212.
[602] Askehave, Inger, and Anne Ellerup Nielsen. "Digital Genres: A Challenge to Traditional Genre Theory." Information, Technology & People 18 (2005): 120-141.
[599] Artemeva, Natalia, and Aviva Freedman. "'Just the Boys Playing on Computers': An Activity Theory Analysis of Differences in the Cultures of Two Engineering Firms." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 15 (2001): 164-194.
[598] Artemeva, Natalia, and Janna Fox. "The Writing’s on the Board: The Global and the Local in Teaching Undergraduate Mathematics Through Chalk Talk." Written Communication 28 (2011): 345-379.
[597] Artemeva, Natasha, and Janna Fox. "Awareness Versus Production: Probing Students' Antecedent Genre Knowledge." Journal of Business & Technical Communication 24 (2010): 476-515.
[596] Artemeva, Natasha. "Toward a Unified Social Theory of Genre Learning." Journal of Business & Technical Communication 22 (2008): 160-185.
[595] Apperley, Thomas H.. "Genre and Game Studies: Toward a Critical Approach to Video Game Genres." Simulation & Gaming 37 (2006): 6-23.
[590] Altman, Rick. "A Semantic/Syntactic Approach to Film Genre." Cinema Journal 23 (1984): 6-18.
[1121] Clark, Malcolm. "Structured text retrieval by means of affordances and genre." In Proceedings of the 1st BCS IRSG conference on Future Directions in Information Access. Swinton, UK, UK: British Computer Society, 2007.
[1116] Clark, Malcolm, Ian Ruthven, and Patrik O'Brian Holt. "Genre analysis of structured e-mails for corpus profiling." In Proceedings of the 2008 BCS-IRSG conference on Corpus Profiling. Swinton, UK, UK: British Computer Society, 2008.
[1018] Yates, Simeon J., and Tamara R. Sumner. "Digital Genres and the New Burden of Fixity." In Thirtieth Annual Hawaii Conference on System Sciences, 3-12. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997.
