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[943] Schryer, Catherine F., Lorelei Lingard, and Marlee M. Spafford. "Techne or Artful Science and the Genre of Case Presentations in Healthcare Settings." Communication Monographs 72 (2005): 234-260.
[944] Schryer, Catherine F., and Philippa Spoel. "Genre Theory, Health-Care Discourse, and Professional Identity Formation." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 19 (2005): 249-278.
[945] Scott, Robert L.. "Intentionality in the Rhetorical Process." In Rhetoric in Transition: Sutdies in the Nature and Uses of Rhetoric, edited by Eugene E. White, 39-60. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1980.
[947] Segal, Judy Z.. "Breast Cancer Narratives as Public Rhetoric: Genre Itself and the Maintenance of Ignorance." Linguistics and the Human Sciences 3 (2007): 3-23.
[948] Seitel, Peter. "Theorizing Genres—Interpreting Works." New Literary History 34 (2005): 275-297.
[949] Sharer, Wendy B.. "Genre Work: Expertise and Advocacy in the Early Bulletins of the U.S. Women's Bureau." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 33 (2003): 5-32.
[950] Shepherd, Michael, and Carolyn Watters. The Evolution of Cybergenres In 31st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Edited by Jr. Sprague, Ralph H.. Maui: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998.
[951] Siemens, Ray, and Susan Schreibman. A Companion to Digital Literary Studies. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2007.
[952] Sigelman, Lee. "Presidential Inaugurals: The Modernization of a Genre." Political Communication 13 (1996): 81-92.
[953] Simons, Herbert W.. "'Genre-alizing' About Rhetoric: A Scientific Approach." In Form and Genre: Shaping Rhetorical Action, edited by Karlyn Kohrs Campbell and Kathleen Hall Jamieson, 33-50. Falls Church, VA: Speech Communication Association, 1978.
[954] Simons, Herbert W., and Aram A. Aghazarian. Form, Genre, and the Study of Political Discourse. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1986.
[957] Sollaci, Luciana B., and Mauricio G. Pereira. "The Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion (IMRAD) Structure: A Fifty-Year Survey." Journal of the Medical Library Association 92 (2004): 364-371.
[959] Spinuzzi, Clay. "Modeling Genre Ecologies." In 20th Annual International Conference on Computer Documentation, 200-207. ACM Press, 2002.
[960] Spinuzzi, Clay. "Compound Mediation in Software Development: Using Genre Ecologies to Study Textual Artifacts." In Writing Selves/Writing Societies: Research from Activity Perspectives, edited by Charles Bazerman and David Russell, 97-124. Fort Collins, CO: The WAC Clearinghouse and Mind, Culture, and Activity, 2003.
[961] Spinuzzi, Clay. Tracing Genres through Organizations: A Sociocultural Approach to Information In Acting with Technology, Edited by Bonnie Nardi, Viktor Kaptelinin and Kirsten Foot. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003.
[962] Spinuzzi, Clay. "Four Ways to Investigate Assemblages of Texts: Genre Sets, Systems, Repertoires, and Ecologies." In 22nd Annual International Conference on Design of Communication: The Engineering of Quality Documentation, 110-116. Memphis, TN: Association for Computing Machinery, 2004.
[963] Spinuzzi, Clay, and Mark Zachry. "Genre Ecologies: An Open-System Approach to Understanding and Constructing Documentation." ACM Journal of Computer Documentation 24 (2000): 169-181.
[964] Spooner, Michael, and Kathleen Yancey. "Postings on a Genre of Email." College Composition and Communication 47 (1996): 252-278.
[965] Stein, Dieter. "The Website as a Domain-Specific Genre." Language@Internet 3 (2006):
[966] Steinitz, Rebecca. "Writing Diaries, Reading Diaries: The Mechanics of Memory." The Communication Review 2 (1997): 43-58.
[967] Stevens, Scott. "The Better Part of Pedagogy." Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture 1 (2002): 373-385.
[968] Strelka, Joseph P.. Theories of Literary Genre In Yearbook of Comparative Criticism. Vol. 8. University Park, Pa: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1978.
[969] Sullivan, Dale. "The Epideictic Rhetoric of Science." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 5 (1991): 229-245.
[970] Sullivan, Dale. "The Ethos of Epideictic Encounter." Philosophy and Rhetoric 26 (1993): 113-133.
[971] Sullivan, Dale. "The Epideictic Character of Rhetorical Criticism." Rhetoric Review 11 (1993): 339-349.
