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[795] Hjørland, Birger. "Semantics and Knowledge Organization." In Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 367-405., Submitted.
[796] Horton, K., and E. Davenport. "Innovation and Hybrid Genres: Disturbing Social Rhythm in Legal Practice." In Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on Information Systems, edited by T. Leino, T. Saarinen and S. Klein, 742-752. Turku, Finland: Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, 2004.
[797] Hyland, Ken. "Genre: Language, Context, and Literacy." Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 22 (2002): 113-135.
[798] Hyland, Ken, and Polly Tse. "'I Would Like to Thank My Supervisor'. Acknowledgements in Graduate Dissertations." International Journal of Applied Linguistics 14 (2004): 259-275.
[799] Hyon, Sunny. "Genre in Three Traditions: Implications for ESL." TESOL Quarterly 30 (1996): 693-722.
[800] Im, Hyun-Gyung, JoAnne Yates, and Wanda Orlikowski. "Temporal Coordination through Communication: Using Genres in a Virtual Start-up Organization." Information, Technology & People 18 (2005): 89-119.
[802] Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, and Karlyn Kohrs Campbell. "Rhetorical Hybrids: Fusions of Generic Elements." Quarterly Journal of Speech 69 (1982): 146-157.
[803] Jamieson, Kathleen M.. "Antecedent Genre as Rhetorical Constraint." Quarterly Journal of Speech 61 (1975): 406-415.
[804] Jamieson, Kathleen M. H.. "Generic Constraints and the Rhetorical Situation." Philosophy and Rhetoric 6 (1973): 162-170.
[805] Jasinski, James. "Genre." In Sourcebook on Rhetoric: Key Concepts in Contemporary Rhetorical Studies, 268-277. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2001.
[806] Jauss, H. R.. "Theory of Genres and Medieval Literature." In Toward an Aesthetic of Reception, 76-109. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1982.
[808] Jerz, Dennis G.. On the Trail of the Memex: Vannevar Bush, Weblogs and the Google Galaxy. Vol. 2003., 2003.
[810] Journet, Debra. "Forms of Discourse and the Sciences of the Mind." Written Communication 7 (1990): 171-190.
[811] Journet, Debra. "Biological Explanation, Political Ideology, and 'Blurred Genres': A Bakhtinian Reading of the Science Essays of J. B. S. Haldane." Technical Communication Quarterly 2 (1993): 185-204.
[813] Kain, Donna. "Constructing Genre: A Threefold Typology." Technical Communication Quarterly 14 (2005): 375-409.
[814] Kain, Donna, and Elizabeth Wardle. "Building Context: Using Activity Theory to Teach about Genre in Multi-Major Professional Communication Courses." Technical Communication Quarterly 14 (2005): 113-139.
[815] Kamberelis, George. "Genre as Institutionally Informed Social Practice." Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 6 (1995): 115-171.
[817] Kaufer, David, Cheryl Geisler, Suguru Ishizaki, and Pantelis Vlachos. "Textual Genre Analysis and Identification." In Ambient Intelligence for Scientific Discovery, edited by Yang Cai, 129-151. Vol. 3345. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3345. Berlin: Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2005.
[818] Kelley-Romano, Stephanie. "Trust No One: The Conspiracy Genre on American Television." Southern Communication Journal 73 (2008): 105-121.
[819] Kent, Thomas L.. "The Classification of Genres." Genre 16 (1983): 1-20.
[820] Kent, Thomas L.. "Interpretation and Genre Perception." Semiotica 56 (1985): 133-146.
[822] Kibby, Marjorie D.. "Email Forwardables: Folklore in the Age of the Internet." New Media & Society 7 (2005): 770-790.
[823] Gilbertson, Michael K., and Jimmie M. Killingsworth. Signs, Genres, and Communities in Technical Communication In Baywood's Technical Communication Series, Edited by Jay R. Gould. Amityville, NY: Baywood, 1992.
[824] Killoran, John B.. "The Gnome in the Front Yard and Other Public Figurations of Self-Presentation on Personal Home Pages." Biography 26 (2003): 66-83.
[825] Kinneavy, James L.. A Theory of Discourse: The Aims of Discourse. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1971.
