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[674] Chandler, Daniel. An Introduction to Genre Theory. Vol. 2007. University of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1997.
[928] Ryan, Marie-Laure. "Introduction: On the Why, What and How of Generic Taxonomy." Poetics 10 (1981): 109-26.
[687] Cohen, Ralph. "Introduction: Notes toward a Generic Reconstitution of Literary Study." New Literary History 34 (2003).
[957] Sollaci, Luciana B., and Mauricio G. Pereira. "The Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion (IMRAD) Structure: A Fifty-Year Survey." Journal of the Medical Library Association 92 (2004): 364-371.
[713] Dimock, Wai Chee. "Introduction: Genres as Fields of Knowledge." Publications of the Modern Language Association 122 (2007): 1377-1388.
[686] Cohen, Ralph. "Introduction." New Literary History 34 (2003): v–xv.
[848] Linton, Patricia, Robert Madigan, and Susan Johnson. "Introducing Students to Disciplinary Genres: The Role of the General Composition Course." Language and Learning Across the Disciplines 1 (1994): 63-78.
[820] Kent, Thomas L.. "Interpretation and Genre Perception." Semiotica 56 (1985): 133-146.
[706] Desai, Kalpesh Kaushik, and Suman Basuroy. Interactive Influence of Genre Familiarity, Star Power, and Critics' Reviews in the Cultural Goods Industry: The Case of Motion Pictures In Psychology and Marketing. Vol. 22., 2005.
[1021] Ziegfield, Richard. "Interactive Fiction: A New Literary Genre?" New Literary History 20 (1989): 341-372.
[945] Scott, Robert L.. "Intentionality in the Rhetorical Process." In Rhetoric in Transition: Sutdies in the Nature and Uses of Rhetoric, edited by Eugene E. White, 39-60. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1980.
[796] Horton, K., and E. Davenport. "Innovation and Hybrid Genres: Disturbing Social Rhythm in Legal Practice." In Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on Information Systems, edited by T. Leino, T. Saarinen and S. Klein, 742-752. Turku, Finland: Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, 2004.
[672] Casper, Christian F.. "In Praise of Carbon, In Praise of Science: The Epideictic Rhetoric of the 1996 Nobel Lectures in Chemistry." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 21 (2007): 303-323.
[632] Beebee, Thomas O.. The Ideology of Genre: A Comparative Study of Generic Instability. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994.
[769] González de Cosío, Maria, and Mary C. Dyson. "Identifying Graphic Conventions for Genre Definition in Web Sites." Digital Creativity 13 (2002): 165-181.
[833] Kwasnik, Barbara H., Kevin Crowston, Michael Nilan, and Dmitri Roussinov. "Identifying Document Genre to Improve Web Search Effectiveness." Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 27 (2001):
[792] Herrington, Anne, and Charles Moran. "The Idea of Genre in Theory and Practice: An Overview of the Work in Genre in the Fields of Composition and Rhetoric and New Genre Studies." In Genre across the Curriculum, edited by Anne Herrington and Charles Moran, 1-18. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2005.
[696] Cover, Jennifer Grouling, and Tim Lockridge. "Icons and Genre: The Affordances of" Reconstruction 9 (2009):
[798] Hyland, Ken, and Polly Tse. "'I Would Like to Thank My Supervisor'. Acknowledgements in Graduate Dissertations." International Journal of Applied Linguistics 14 (2004): 259-275.
[843] Liestøl, Gunnar. "Hypermedia Communication and Academic Discourse: Some Speculations on a Future Genre." In The Computer as Medium, edited by Peter Bøgh Andersen, Berit Holmqvist and Jens F. Jense, 263-283. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
[606] Badran, Dany. "Hybrid Genres and the Cognitive Positioning of Audiences in the Political Discourse of Hizbollah." Critical Discourse Studies 7 (2010): 191-201.
[840] Lepore, Jill. The Humbug: Edgar Allan Poe and the Economy of Horror In The New Yorker., 2009.
[684] Cohen, Ralph. "History and Genre." New Literary History 17 (1986): 203-218.
[669] Carpenter, Ronald. The Historical Jeremiad as Rhetorical Genre In Form and Genre: Shaping Rhetorical Action, Edited by Karlyn Kohrs Campbell and Kathleen Hall Jamieson. Falls Church, VA: Speech Communication Association, 1978.
[1291] Kelly, Ashley Rose. Hacking Science: Emerging Parascientific Genres and Public Participation in Scientific Research. Vol. Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University Institutional Repository, 2014.
