
This Bibliography is for peer-reviewed academic research and scholarship. For other genre-related publications and sources, please see the Resources page and contribute such material there.


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[1197] Perelman, C. H., and L. Olbrechts-Tyteca. The new rhetoric: A treatise on argumentation. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 1969.
[1046] Muntigl, P.. Narrative counselling: Social and linguistic processes of change. London: John Benjamins, 2004.
[1296] Negus, Keith. Music Genres and Corporate Cultures. London: Routledge, 1999.
[658] Brooks, Cleanth, and Robert Penn Warren. Modern Rhetoric. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979.
[735] Fishelov, David. Metaphors of Genre. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press, 1993.
[1748] Metadiscourse in Written Genres: Uncovering Textual and Interactional Aspects of Texts, Edited by Ciler Hatipoglu, Erdem Akbas and Yasemin Bayyurt. Peter Lang D, 2017.
[990] van Dijk, Teun. Macrostructures. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1980.
[1240] Altman, Rick. Los géneros cinematográficos. Barcelona, España: Paidós Iberica, 2000.
[784] Haskins, Ekaterina. Logos and Power in Isocrates and Aristotle In Studies in Rhetoric/Communication, Edited by Thomas W. Benson. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2004.
[724] Eagleton, Terry. Literary Theory: An Introduction. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1983.
[1186] Kress, Gunther. Literacy in the new media age. Routledge, 2004.
[879] Milne, Esther. Letters, Postcards, Email: Technologies of Presence. New York: Routledge, 2010.
[1343] Gagnon-Arguin, Louise, Sabine Mas, and Dominique Maurel. Les Genres de documents dans les organisations: analyse théorique et pratique In Gestion de l'information. Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2015.
[1761] Miller, Carolyn R., and Amy J. Devitt. Landmark Essays on Rhetorical Genre Studies In Landmark Essays in Rhetoric and Composition. New York: Routledge, 2018.
[1263] Bleich, David. Know and Tell: A Writing Pedagogy of Disclosure, Genre, and Membership. Westport, CT: Boynton/Cook, 1998.
[743] Fowler, Alastair. Kinds of Literature: An Introduction to the Theory of Genres and Modes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982.
[998] Walter, Bettyruth. The Jury Summation as Speech Genre: An Ethnographic Study of What It Means to Those Who Use It. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1988.
[607] Bakardjieva, Maria. Internet Society: The Internet in Everyday Life. London: Sage, 2005.
[632] Beebee, Thomas O.. The Ideology of Genre: A Comparative Study of Generic Instability. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994.
[1141] Jaffe, Ira. Hollywood Hybrids: Mixing Genres in Contemporary Films. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008.
[958] Sonnino, Lee A.. A Handbook to Sixteenth-Century Rhetoric. New York: Barnes and Noble, Inc., 1968.
[1190] Henderson, Desiree. Grief and Genre in American Literature, 1790-1870. Burlington : Ashgate, 2011.
[887] Moretti, Franco. Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for a Literary History. London: Verso, 2005.
[662] Burke, Kenneth. A Grammar of Motives. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969.
[1430] The Gospel of John as Genre Mosaic In Studia Aarhusiana Neotestamentica, Edited by Kasper Bro Larsen. Göttingen, Germany: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, 2015.
