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[990] van Dijk, Teun. Macrostructures. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1980.
[992] Varpio, Lara, Marlee M. Spafford, Catherine F. Schryer, and Lorelei Lingard. "Seeing and Listening: A Visual and Social Analysis of Optometric Record-Keeping Practices." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 21 (2007): 343-375.
[993] Vatz, Richard. "The Myth of the Rhetorical Situation." Philosophy and Rhetoric 6 (1973): 154-161.
[994] Vaughan, Misha W., and Andrew Dillon. "The Role of Genre in Shaping Our Understanding of Digital Documents." Proceedings of the ASIS Annual Meeting 35 (1998): 559-566.
[995] Vaughan, Misha W., and Andrew Dillon. "Why Structure and Genre Matter for Users of Digital Information: A Longitudinal Experiment with Readers of a Web-Based Newspaper." International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 64 (2006): 502-526.
[996] Vivian, Bradford. "Style, Rhetoric, and Postmodern Culture." Philosophy and Rhetoric 35 (2002): 223-243.
[998] Walter, Bettyruth. The Jury Summation as Speech Genre: An Ethnographic Study of What It Means to Those Who Use It. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1988.
[999] Wardle, Elizabeth. "'Mutt Genres' and the Goal of FYC: Can We Help Students Write the Genres of the University?" College Composition and Communication 60 (2009): 756-789.
[1000] Ware, B. L., and Wil A. Linkugel. "They Spoke in Defense of Themselves: On the Generic Criticism of Apologia." Quarterly Journal of Speech 59 (1973): 273-283.
[1001] Wellek, René, and Austin Warren. Theory of Literature. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977.
[1002] Wells, Susan. "Freud's Rat Man and the Case Study: Genre in Three Keys." New Literary History 34 (2003): 353-366.
[1003] Wells, Susan. Genres and Their Borders: The Case of Power Structure Research. Seattle, WA: Paper presented at the conference of the Rhetoric Society of America, 2008.
[1004] White, Hayden. "Anomalies of Genre: The Utility of Theory and History for the Study of Literary Genres." New Literary History 34 (2003): 597-615.
[1005] Windt, Theodore Otto, Jr.. "The Diatribe: Last Resort for Protest." Quarterly Journal of Speech 58 (1972): 1-14.
[1007] Winsor, Dorothy A.. "Genre and Activity Systems: The Role of Documentation in Maintaining and Changing Engineering Activity Systems." Written Communication 16 (1999): 200-224.
[1008] Winsor, Dorothy A.. "Ordering Work: Blue-Collar Literacy and the Political Nature of Genre." Written Communication 17 (2000): 155-184.
[1009] Winsor, Dorothy A.. Writing Power: Communication in an Engineering Center. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2003.
[1010] Wolf, Mark J. P.. "Genre and the Video Game." In The Medium of the Video Game, edited by Mark J. P. Wolf, 113-134. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2001.
[1011] Yates, JoAnne. Control Through Communication: The Rise of System in American Management In Studies in Industry and Society, Edited by Glenn Porter. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989.
[1012] Yates, JoAnne. "The Emergence of the Memo as a Managerial Genre." Management Communication Quarterly 2 (1989).
[1013] Yates, JoAnne, and Wanda Orlikowski. "Genres of Organizational Communication: A Structurational Approach to Studying Communication and Media." Academy of Management Review 17 (1992): 299-326.
[1014] Yates, JoAnne, and Wanda Orlikowski. "Genre systems: Structuring interaction through communicative norms." Journal of Business Communication 39 (2002): 13-35.
[1015] Yates, JoAnne, and Wanda Orlikowski. "The PowerPoint Presentation and Its Corollaries: How Genres Shape Communicative Action in Organizations." In Communicative Practices in Workplaces and the Professions: Cultural Perspectives on the Regulation of Discourse and Organizations, edited by Mark Zachry and Charlotte Thralls, 67-91. Amityville, NY: Baywood Publishing Company, 2007.
[1016] Yates, JoAnne, Wanda J. Orlikowski, and Kazuo Okamura. "Explicit and Implicit Structuring of Genres in Electronic Communication: Reinforcement and Change of Social Interaction." Organization Science 10 (1999): 83-103.
[1018] Yates, Simeon J., and Tamara R. Sumner. "Digital Genres and the New Burden of Fixity." In Thirtieth Annual Hawaii Conference on System Sciences, 3-12. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997.
