
This Bibliography is for peer-reviewed academic research and scholarship. For other genre-related publications and sources, please see the Resources page and contribute such material there.


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Journal Article
[RN223] Swarts, Jason. "Recycled Writing: Assembling Actor Networks From Reusable Content." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 24 (2010): 127-163.
[RN136] Schaefer, K. A.. "Response-to-Complaint Letter as a Rhetorical Genre." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 53 (2010): 158-163.
[RN106] Selber, Stuart A.. "A Rhetoric of Electronic Instruction Sets." Technical Communication Quarterly 19 (2010): 95-117.
[955] Skulstad, Aud Solbjørd. "Rhetorical Organization of Chairmen's Statements." International Journal of Applied Linguistics 6 (1996): 43-63.
[RN180] Stevens, Betsy. "Russian Teaching Contracts: An Examination of Cultural Influence and Genre." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 14 (2000): 38-58.
[RN204] Sheehan, Richard Johnson, and Scott Rode. "On Scientific Narrative: Stories of Light by Newton and Einstein." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 13 (1999): 336-358.
[992] Varpio, Lara, Marlee M. Spafford, Catherine F. Schryer, and Lorelei Lingard. "Seeing and Listening: A Visual and Social Analysis of Optometric Record-Keeping Practices." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 21 (2007): 343-375.
[992] Varpio, Lara, Marlee M. Spafford, Catherine F. Schryer, and Lorelei Lingard. "Seeing and Listening: A Visual and Social Analysis of Optometric Record-Keeping Practices." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 21 (2007): 343-375.
[RN182] Varpio, Lara, Marlee M. Spafford, Catherine F. Schryer, and Lorelei Lingard. "Seeing and Listening: A Visual and Social Analysis of Optometric Record-Keeping Practices." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 21 (2007): 343-375.
[RN182] Varpio, Lara, Marlee M. Spafford, Catherine F. Schryer, and Lorelei Lingard. "Seeing and Listening: A Visual and Social Analysis of Optometric Record-Keeping Practices." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 21 (2007): 343-375.
[RN66] Schuster, Mary Lay, Ann La Bree Russell, Dianne M. Bartels, and Holli Kelly-Trombley. "'Standing in Terri Schiavo's Shoes': The Role of Genre in End-of-Life Decision Making." Technical Communication Quarterly 22 (2013): 195-218.
[RN83] M. Brady, Ann, and Joanna Schreiber. "Static to Dynamic: Professional Identity as Inventory, Invention, and Performance in Classrooms and Workplaces." Technical Communication Quarterly 22 (2013): 343-362.
[RN199] Smart, Graham. "Storytelling in a Central Bank: The Role of Narrative in the Creation and Use of Specialized Economic Knowledge." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 13 (1999): 249-273.
[1272] Shugart, H.A. "Sumptuous Texts: Consuming 'Otherness' in the Food Film Genre." Critical Studies in Media Communication 25, no. 1 (2008): 68-90.
[1244] Strong, Jeremy. "Team Films in Adaptation: Remembered Stories and Forgotten Books." Adaptation 1, no. 1 (2008): 44-57.
[943] Schryer, Catherine F., Lorelei Lingard, and Marlee M. Spafford. "Techne or Artful Science and the Genre of Case Presentations in Healthcare Settings." Communication Monographs 72 (2005): 234-260.
[943] Schryer, Catherine F., Lorelei Lingard, and Marlee M. Spafford. "Techne or Artful Science and the Genre of Case Presentations in Healthcare Settings." Communication Monographs 72 (2005): 234-260.
[1352] Swales, John M.. "A Text and its Commentaries: Toward a Reception History of 'Genre in Three Traditions' (Hyon 1996)." Ibérica 24 (2012): 103-116.
[948] Seitel, Peter. "Theorizing Genres—Interpreting Works." New Literary History 34 (2005): 275-297.
[RN221] Schneider, Barbara. "Theorizing Structure and Agency in Workplace Writing: An Ethnomethodological Aroach." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 16 (2002): 170-195.
[RN192] Spinuzzi, Clay. "Toward Integrating Our Research Scope: A Sociocultural Field Methodology." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 16 (2002): 5-32.
[935] Schmidt, S. J.. "Towards a Constructivist Theory of Media Genre." Poetics 16 (1987): 371-395.
[RN94] Sun, Huatong. "The Triumph of Users: Achieving Cultural Usability Goals With User Localization." Technical Communication Quarterly 15 (2006): 457-481.
[909] Propen, Amy D., and Mary Lay Schuster. "Understanding Genre through the Lens of Advocacy: The Rhetorical Work of the Victim Impact Statement." Written Communication 27 (2010): 3-35.
[956] Skulstad, Aud Solbjørd. "The Use of Metadiscourse in Introductory Sections of a New Genre." International Journal of Applied Linguistics 15 (2005): 71-86.
