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relationship to classicism
[807] Javitch, Daniel. "The Emergence of Poetic Genre Theory in the Sixteenth Century." Modern Language Quarterly: A Journal of Literary History 59 (1998): 139-169.
relationship to epistle
[905] Pendergast, John. "'Comedies for Commodities': Genre and Early Modern Dramatic Epistles." English Literary Renaissance 38 (2008): 483-505.
relationship to Renaissance
[894] Orgel, Stephen. "Shakespeare and the Kinds of Drama." Critical Inquiry 6 (1979): 107-123.
relationship to text typology
[976] Taavitsainen, Irma. "Genres and Text Types in Medieval and Renaissance English." Poetica: An International Journal of Linguistic-Literary Studies 47 (1997): 49-62.
religious literature
[1430] The Gospel of John as Genre Mosaic In Studia Aarhusiana Neotestamentica, Edited by Kasper Bro Larsen. Göttingen, Germany: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, 2015.
[660] Brooks, Kevin, Cindy Nichols, and Sybil Pirebe. "Remediation, Genre, and Motivation: Key Concepts for Teaching with Weblogs." In Into the Blogosphere: Rhetoric, Community, and the Culture of Weblogs, edited by Laura Gurak, Smiljana Antonijevic, Laurie Johnson, Clancy Ratliff and Jessica Reymann. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Libraries,, 2004.
[595] Apperley, Thomas H.. "Genre and Game Studies: Toward a Critical Approach to Video Game Genres." Simulation & Gaming 37 (2006): 6-23.
[988] van Dijck, José. "Composing the Self: Of Diaries and Lifelogs." Fibreculture: Internet Theory, Criticism, Research (2004):
[1131] Ray, Brian. "More than Just Remixing: Uptake and New Media Composition." Computers and Composition 30, no. 3 (2013): 183-196.
[958] Sonnino, Lee A.. A Handbook to Sixteenth-Century Rhetoric. New York: Barnes and Noble, Inc., 1968.
[860] Manley, Lawrence. Convention, 1500–1750. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1980.
[738] Fitter, Chris. "The Poetic Nocturne: From Ancient Motif to Renaissance Genre." Early Modern Literary Studies: A Journal of Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century English Literature 3 (1997).
[807] Javitch, Daniel. "The Emergence of Poetic Genre Theory in the Sixteenth Century." Modern Language Quarterly: A Journal of Literary History 59 (1998): 139-169.
[774] Greenblatt, Stephen. "The Forms of Power and the Power of Forms in the Renaissance." Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture 15 (1982).
[744] Fowler, Alastair. "The Formation of Genres in the Renaissance and After." New Literary History 34 (2003): 185-200.
[895] Orlikowski, Wanda J., and JoAnne Yates. "Genre Repertoire: The Structuring of Communicative Practices in Organizations." Administrative Science Quarterly 39 (1994): 541-574.
[1022] Zucchermaglio, Cristina, and Alessndra Talamo. "The Development of a Virtual Community of Practices Using Electronic Mail and Communicative Genres." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 17 (2003): 259-284.
[743] Fowler, Alastair. Kinds of Literature: An Introduction to the Theory of Genres and Modes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982.
[962] Spinuzzi, Clay. "Four Ways to Investigate Assemblages of Texts: Genre Sets, Systems, Repertoires, and Ecologies." In 22nd Annual International Conference on Design of Communication: The Engineering of Quality Documentation, 110-116. Memphis, TN: Association for Computing Machinery, 2004.
[966] Steinitz, Rebecca. "Writing Diaries, Reading Diaries: The Mechanics of Memory." The Communication Review 2 (1997): 43-58.
[654] Boyne, Roy. "Classification." Theory, Culture, & Society 23 (2006): 21-50.
