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classical literature
[732] Farrell, Joseph. "Classical Genre in Theory and Practice." New Literary History 34 (2003): 383-408.
[777] Guillory, John. "The Memo and Modernity." Critical Inquiry 31 (2004): 108-132.
[697] Crossley, Scott. "A Chronotopic Approach to Genre Analysis: An Exploratory Study." English for Specific Purposes 26 (2007): 4-24.
[938] Schryer, Catherine F.. "Genre Time/Space: Chronotopic Strategies in the Experimental Article." JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory 19 (1999): 81-89.
[940] Schryer, Catherine F.. "Genre and Power: A Chronotopic Analysis." In The Rhetoric and Ideology of Genre: Strategies for Stability and Change, edited by Richard Coe, Lorelei Lingard and Tatiana Teslenko, 73-102. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2002.
Chinese rhetoic
[715] Ding, Yao. Untitled., Submitted.
children's fiction
[589] Alexander, Joy. "The Verse-novel: A New Genre." Children's LIterature in Education 36 (2005): 269-283.
[687] Cohen, Ralph. "Introduction: Notes toward a Generic Reconstitution of Literary Study." New Literary History 34 (2003).
[1018] Yates, Simeon J., and Tamara R. Sumner. "Digital Genres and the New Burden of Fixity." In Thirtieth Annual Hawaii Conference on System Sciences, 3-12. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997.
[878] Miller, Carolyn R., and Dawn Shepherd. "Questions for Genre Theory from the Blogosphere." In Genres in the Internet: Issues in the Theory of Genre, edited by Janet Giltrow and Dieter Stein, 263-290. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2009.
[621] Bazerman, Charles. "Reporting the Experiment: The Changing Account of Scientific Doings in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1665–1800." In Shaping Written Knowledge: The Genre and Activity of the Experimental Article in Science, 59-79. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1988.
[779] Hanks, William F.. "Discourse Genres in a Theory of Practice." American Ethnologist 14 (1987): 668-692.
[755] French, Brigittine M.. "The Symbolic Capital of Social Identities: The Genre of Bargaining in an Urban Guatemalan Market." Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 10 (2000): 155-189.
[742] Fowler, Alastair. "The Life and Death of Literary Forms." New Literary History 2 (1971): 199-206.
[784] Haskins, Ekaterina. Logos and Power in Isocrates and Aristotle In Studies in Rhetoric/Communication, Edited by Thomas W. Benson. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2004.
[1007] Winsor, Dorothy A.. "Genre and Activity Systems: The Role of Documentation in Maintaining and Changing Engineering Activity Systems." Written Communication 16 (1999): 200-224.
[949] Sharer, Wendy B.. "Genre Work: Expertise and Advocacy in the Early Bulletins of the U.S. Women's Bureau." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 33 (2003): 5-32.
[745] Freadman, Anne. "Anyone for Tennis?" In The Place of Genre in Learning: Current Debates, edited by Ian Reid, 91-124. Deakin University (Australia): Centre for in Literary Education, 1987.
[746] Freadman, Anne. "Untitled: (On Genre)." Cultural Studies 2 (1988): 67-99.
