
This Bibliography is for peer-reviewed academic research and scholarship. For other genre-related publications and sources, please see the Resources page and contribute such material there.


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[RN162] Sherlock, Lee. "Genre, Activity, and Collaborative Work and Play in World of Warcraft: Places and Problems of Open Systems in Online Gaming." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 23 (2009): 263-293.
[1176] Martin, J.R.. "Genre and Language Learning: A Social Semiotic Perspective." Linguistics and Education 20, no. 1 (2009): 12p.
[766] Giltrow, Janet, and Dieter Stein. Genres in the Internet: Issues in the Theory of Genre In Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, Edited by Anita Fetzer. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2009.
[851] Losh, Elizabeth M.. "Hacking Aristotle: What Is Digital Rhetoric?" In Virtualpolitik: An Electronic History of Government Media-Making in a Time of War, Scandal, Disaster, Miscommunication, and Mistakes, 47-95. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2009.
[1122] Clark, Malcolm, Ian Ruthven, and Patrik O'Brian Holt. "How do People Interact with Structured E-mails in Terms of Genre and Perception?" In Proceedings of the Conference on Information: Interaction and Impact (I3). Aberdeen, Scotland., 2009.
[RN87] Wolfe, Joanna. "How Technical Communication Textbooks Fail Engineering Students." Technical Communication Quarterly 18 (2009): 351-375.
[840] Lepore, Jill. The Humbug: Edgar Allan Poe and the Economy of Horror In The New Yorker., 2009.
[696] Cover, Jennifer Grouling, and Tim Lockridge. "Icons and Genre: The Affordances of" Reconstruction 9 (2009):
[1185] Jenkins, Henry, Delia Sherman, and Christopher Barzak. "Introduction: On the pleasures of not belonging." In Interfictions 2: An Anthology of Interstitial Writing. Easthampton, MA: Small Beer Press, 2009.
[1159] Spinuzzi, Clay. "Leveraging Mobile and Wireless Technologies in Qualitative Research: Some Half-Baked Suggestions." In Going Wireless: A Critical Exploration of Wireless and Mobile Technologies for Composition Teachers and Scholars, edited by Amy C. Kimme Hea, 255-273. Hampton Press, 2009.
[1051] Puschmann, C.. "Lies at Wal-Mart." In Genres in the internet: Issues in the theory of genre, edited by J. Giltrow and D. Stein, 49-84. Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2009.
[1035] Putschmann, Cornelius. "Lies at Wal-Mart: Style and the Subversion of Genre in the Life at Wal-Mart Blog." In Genres in the Internet: Issues in the Theory of Genre, edited by Janet Giltrow and Dieter Stein, 49-84. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2009.
[RN217] Rude, Carolyn D.. "Mapping the Research Questions in Technical Communication." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 23 (2009): 174-215.
[794] Heyd, Theresa. "A Model for Describing 'New' and 'Old' Properties of CMC Genres: The Case of Digital Folklore." In Genres in the Internet: Issues in the Theory of Genre, edited by Janet Giltrow and Dieter Stein, 239-262. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2009.
[999] Wardle, Elizabeth. "'Mutt Genres' and the Goal of FYC: Can We Help Students Write the Genres of the University?" College Composition and Communication 60 (2009): 756-789.
[RN216] Rice, Jeff. "Networked Exchanges, Identity, Writing." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 23 (2009): 294-317.
[878] Miller, Carolyn R., and Dawn Shepherd. "Questions for Genre Theory from the Blogosphere." In Genres in the Internet: Issues in the Theory of Genre, edited by Janet Giltrow and Dieter Stein, 263-290. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2009.
[RN82] Henry, Jim. "(Re)Appraising the Performance of Technical Communicators From a Posthumanist Perspective." Technical Communication Quarterly 19 (2009): 11/30/2015.
[1409] Kuypers, Jim A.. Rhetorical Criticism: Perspectives in Action. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2009.
[RN1] Killoran, John B.. "The Rhetorical Situations of Web RÈsumÈs." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 39 (2009): 263-284.
[1406] Motta-Roth, Desirée. "The Role of Context in Academic Text Production and Writing Pedagogy." In Genre in a Changing World, edited by Charles Bazerman, Adair Bonini and Débora Figueiredo. Fort Collins, CO: WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press, 2009.
[1220] Liestøl, Gunnar. "Situated Simulations: A Prototyped Augmented Reality Genre for Learning on the iPhone." International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 3, no. S1 (2009): 24-28.
[1713] Grafton, Kathryn. "Situating the Public Social Actions of Blog Posts ." In Genres in the Internet: Issues in the Theory of Genre, 85-111. Janet Giltrow and Dieter Stein, eds ed. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2009.
[RN259] Artemeva, Natalia. "Stories of Becoming: A Study of Novice Engineers Learning Genres of Their Profession." In Genre in a Changing World, edited by Charles Bazerman, Adair Bonini and Débora Figueiredo, 158-178. Fort Collins, CO: WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press, 2009.
[1162] Williams, Bronwyn. "A Story of One's Own: Social Constructions of Genre Online." In Shimmering Literacies: Popular Culture and Reading and Writing Online, 121-154. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2009.
