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[925] Rusch, Gebhard. "Cognition, Media Use, Genres: Socio-Psychological Aspects of Media and Genres; TV and TV-Genres in the Federal Republic of Germany." Poetics 16 (1987): 431-469.
[924] Royse, Pam, Joon Lee, Baasanjav Undrahbuyan, Mark Hopson, and Mia Consalvo. "Women and Games: Technologies of the Gendered Self." New Media & Society 9 (2007): 555-576.
[923] Rowland, Robert C.. "On Generic Categorization." Communication Theory 1 (1991): 128-144.
[922] Ross, Derek G.. "Ars Dictaminis Perverted: The Personal Solicitation E-Mail as a Genre." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 39 (2009): 25-41.
[916] Romano, Dennis. "Commentary: Why Opera? The Politics of an Emerging Genre." Journal of Interdisciplinary History 36 (2006): 401-409.
[915] Rodgers, Raymond S.. "Generic Tendencies in Majority and Non-Majority Supreme Court Opinions: The Case of Justice Douglas." Communiction Quarterly 30 (1982): 232-236.
[914] Reiff, Mary Jo, and Anis Bawarshi. "Tracing Discursive Resources: How Students Use Prior Genre Knowledge to Negotiate New Writing Contexts in First-Year Composition." Written Communication 28 (2011): 312-337.
[912] Ravelli, Louise J.. "Genre and the Museum Exhibition." Linguistics and the Human Sciences 2 (2006): 299-317.
[911] Raum, Richard D., and James S. Measell. "Wallace and His Ways: A Study of the Rhetorical Genre of Polarization." Central States Speech Journal 25 (1974): 28-35.
[910] Pryal, Katie Rose Guest. "The Genre of the Mood Memoir and the Ethos of Psychiatric Disability." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 40 (2010): 479-501.
[907] Philips, Deborah. "Talking Books: The Encounter of Literature and Technology in the Audio Book." Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 13 (2007): 293-306.
[906] Penzhorn, Heidi, and Magriet Pitout. "A Critical-Historical Genre Analysis of Reality Television." Communicatio 33 (2007): 62-76.
[905] Pendergast, John. "'Comedies for Commodities': Genre and Early Modern Dramatic Epistles." English Literary Renaissance 38 (2008): 483-505.
[904] Pearce, Barnett W., and Forrest Conklin. "A Model of Hierarchical Meanings in Coherent Conversation and a Study of Indirect Responses." Communication Monographs 46 (1979): 76-87.
[902] Patton, John H.. "Causation and Creativity in Rhetorical Situations: Distinctions and Implications." Quarterly Journal of Speech 65 (1979): 36-55.
[901] Patton, John H.. "Generic Criticism: Typology at an Inflated Price." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 6 (1976): 4-8.
[897] Owen, Stephen. "Genres in Motion." Publications of the Modern Language Association 122 (2007): 1389-1393.
[903] Peagler, Shane T., and Kathleen Blake Yancey. "The Resume as Genre: A Rhetorical Foundation for First-Year Composition." In Genre across the Curriculum, edited by Anne Herrington and Charles Moran, 152-168. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2005.
[898] Palmquist, Mike. "Writing in Emerging Genres: Student Web Sites in Writing and Writing-Intensive Classes." In Genre across the Curriculum, edited by Anne Herrington and Charles Moran, 219-244. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2005.
[892] Nilan, Michael, Jeffrey Pomerantz, and Stephen Paling. "Genres from the Bottom Up: What Has the Web Brought Us." In Information in a Networked World: Proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, edited by Elizabeth Aversa and Cynthia Manley, 330-339. Vol. 38. Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc., 2001.
[890] Myers, Greg. "Powerpoints: Technology, Lectures, and Changing Genres." In Analysing Professional Genres, edited by Anna Trosborg, 177-191. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2000.
[889] Myers, Greg. "Stories and Styles in Two Molecular Biology Review Articles." In Textual Dynamics of the Professions: Historical and Contemporary Studies of Writing in Professional Communities, edited by Charles Bazerman and James Paradis, 45-75. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1991.
[878] Miller, Carolyn R., and Dawn Shepherd. "Questions for Genre Theory from the Blogosphere." In Genres in the Internet: Issues in the Theory of Genre, edited by Janet Giltrow and Dieter Stein, 263-290. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2009.
[877] Miller, Carolyn R., and Dawn Shepherd. "Blogging as Social Action: A Genre Analysis of the Weblog." In Into the Blogosphere: Rhetoric, Community, and the Culture of Weblogs, edited by Laura Gurak, Smiljana Antonijevic, Laurie Johnson, Clancy Ratliff and Jessica Reymann. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Libraries,, 2004.
[876] Miller, Carolyn R., and Jack Selzer. "Special Topics of Argument in Engineering Reports." In Writing in Nonacademic Settings, edited by Lee Odell and Dixie Goswami, 309-341. New York: Guilford Press, 1985.
