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Journal Article
[734] Fishelov, David. "Genre Theory and Family Resemblance—Revisited." Poetics 20 (1991): 123-138.
[1133] Fludernik, Monika. "Genres, Text Types, or Discourse Modes? Narrative Modalities and Generic Categorization." Style 34, no. 2 (2000): 274-92.
[733] Figueiredo, Débora, Charles Bazerman, and Adair Bonini. "Introduction to the Special Issue on Genres and Social Ways of Being." Linguistics and the Human Sciences 3 (2008): 1-2.
[RN196] Artemeva, Natasha, and Aviva Freedman. "'Just the Boys Playing on Computers': An Activity Theory Analysis of Differences in the Cultures of Two Engineering Firms." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 15 (2001): 164-194.
[599] Artemeva, Natalia, and Aviva Freedman. "'Just the Boys Playing on Computers': An Activity Theory Analysis of Differences in the Cultures of Two Engineering Firms." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 15 (2001): 164-194.
[756] Frentz, Thomas S., and Thomas B. Farrell. "Language-Action: A Paradigm for Communication." Quarterly Journal of Speech 62 (1976): 333-349.
[756] Frentz, Thomas S., and Thomas B. Farrell. "Language-Action: A Paradigm for Communication." Quarterly Journal of Speech 62 (1976): 333-349.
[747] Freedman, Aviva. "Learning to Write Again: Discipline-Specific Writing at University." Carleton Papers in Applied Language Studies 4 (1987): 95-115.
[RN200] Freedman, Aviva, and Christine Adam. "Learning to Write Professionally: Situated Learning and the Transition from University to Professional Discourse." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 10 (1996): 395-427.
[742] Fowler, Alastair. "The Life and Death of Literary Forms." New Literary History 2 (1971): 199-206.
[RN146] Spinuzzi, C., S. Nelson, K. S. Thomson, F. Lorenzini, R.A. French, G. Pogue, S.D. Burback, and J. Momberger. "Making the Pitch: Examining Dialogue and Revisions in Entrepreneurs' Pitch Decks." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 57 (2014): 158-181.
[RN36] Freed, Richard C.. "A Meditation on Proposals and Their Backgrounds." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 17 (1987): 157-163.
[736] Fisher, Walter R.. "A Motive View of Communication." Quarterly Journal of Speech 56 (1970): 131-139.
[RN47] Freed, Richard C., and David D. Roberts. "The Nature, Classification, and Generic Structure of Proposals." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 19 (1989): 317-351.
[1174] Freedman, Aviva. "Navigating the Current of Economic Policy: Written Genres and the Distribution of Cognitive Work at a Financial Institution." Mind, Culture, and Activity 4, no. 4 (1997): 238-255.
[738] Fitter, Chris. "The Poetic Nocturne: From Ancient Motif to Renaissance Genre." Early Modern Literary Studies: A Journal of Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century English Literature 3 (1997).
[730] Fahnestock, Jeanne. "Preserving the Figure: Consistency in the Presentation of Scientific Arguments." Written Communication 21 (2004): 6-31.
[RN108] Fraiberg, Steven. "Reassembling Technical Communication: A Framework for Studying Multilingual and Multimodal Practices in Global Contexts." Technical Communication Quarterly 22 (2013): 10/27/2015.
[748] Freedman, Aviva. "Reconceiving Genre." Texte 8/9 (1990): 279-292.
[759] Frow, John. "'Reproducibles, Rubrics, and Everything You Need': Genre Theory Today." Publications of the Modern Language Association 122 (2007): 1626-1634.
[RN65] Miller, Paul, Jaye Bausser, and Audeen Fentiman. "Responding to technical writing in an introductory engineering class: The role of genre and discipline." Technical Communication Quarterly 7 (1998): 443-461.
[1188] Fried, Daniel. "Riding Off into the Sunrise: Genre Contingency and the Origin of the Chinese Western." PMLA 122, no. 5 (2007): 1482-98.
[739] Flanagin, Andrew J., and Miriam J. Metzger. "The Role of Site Features, User Attributes, and Information Verification Behaviors on the Perceived Credibility of Web-Based Information." New Media & Society 9 (2007): 319-342.
[750] Freedman, Aviva. "Show and Tell? The Role of Explicit Teaching in the Learning of New Genres." Research in the Teaching of English 27 (1993): 222-251.
[749] Freedman, Aviva. "Situating Genre: A Rejoinder." Research in the Teaching of English 27 (1993): 272-281.
