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Journal Article
[661] Brummett, Barry. "Premillennial Apocalyptic as a Rhetorical Genre." Central States Speech Journal 35 (1984).
[RN79] Blythe, Stuart, Claire Lauer, and Paul G. Curran. "Professional and Technical Communication in a Web 2.0 World." Technical Communication Quarterly 23 (2014): 265-287.
[655] Bregman, A., and C. Haythornthwaite. "Radicals of Presentation: Visibility, Relation, and Co-presence in Persistent Conversation." New Media & Society 5 (2003): 117-140.
[659] Brooks, Kevin. "Reading, Writing, and Teaching Creative Hypertext: A Genre-Based Pedagogy." Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture 2 (2002): 337-358.
[1247] Brent, Doug. "The research paper and why we should still care." Writing Program Administration 37, no. 1 (2013): 33-53.
[RN65] Miller, Paul, Jaye Bausser, and Audeen Fentiman. "Responding to technical writing in an introductory engineering class: The role of genre and discipline." Technical Communication Quarterly 7 (1998): 443-461.
[RN122] Dayton, David, and Stephen A. Bernhardt. "Results of a Survey of ATTW Members, 2003." Technical Communication Quarterly 13 (2004): 13-43.
[637] Berkenkotter, Carol, and Thomas N. Huckin. "Rethinking Genre from a Sociocognitive Perspective." Written Communication 10 (1993): 475-509.
[1729] Brock, Kevin, and Ashley Rose Mehlenbacher. "Rhetorical Genres in Code." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication (2017): 004728161772627.
[646] Bitzer, Lloyd F.. "The Rhetorical Situation." Philosophy and Rhetoric 1 (1968): 1-14.
[657] Brinton, Alan. "Situation in the Theory of Rhetoric." Philosophy and Rhetoric 14 (1981): 234-247.
[RN66] Schuster, Mary Lay, Ann La Bree Russell, Dianne M. Bartels, and Holli Kelly-Trombley. "'Standing in Terri Schiavo's Shoes': The Role of Genre in End-of-Life Decision Making." Technical Communication Quarterly 22 (2013): 195-218.
[RN83] M. Brady, Ann, and Joanna Schreiber. "Static to Dynamic: Professional Identity as Inventory, Invention, and Performance in Classrooms and Workplaces." Technical Communication Quarterly 22 (2013): 343-362.
[RN179] Wolfe, Joanna, Cynthia Britt, and Kara Poe Alexander. "Teaching the IMRaD Genre: Sentence Combining and Pattern Practice Revisited." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 25 (2011): 119-158.
[1217] Birch-Bayley, Nicole. "Terror in Horror Genres: The Global Media and the Millennial Zombie." The Journal of Popular Culture 45, no. 6 (2012): 1137-1151.
[RN154] Boren, T., and J Ramey. "Thinking aloud: reconciling theory and practice." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 43 (2000): 261-278.
[914] Reiff, Mary Jo, and Anis Bawarshi. "Tracing Discursive Resources: How Students Use Prior Genre Knowledge to Negotiate New Writing Contexts in First-Year Composition." Written Communication 28 (2011): 312-337.
[RN181] Brent, Doug. "Transfer, Transformation, and Rhetorical Knowledge: Insights From Transfer Theory." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 25 (2011): 396-420.
[791] Herring, Susan C., Lois Ann Scheidt, Sabrina Bonus, and Elijah Wright. "Weblogs as a Bridging Genre." Information, Technology & People 18 (2005): 142-171.
[627] Bazerman, Charles. "What Activity Systems Are Literary Genres Part of?" Readerly/Writerly Texts 10 (2003): 97-106.
[RN202] Amidon, Stevens, and Stuart Blythe. "Wrestling With Proteus: Tales of Communication Managers in a Changing Economy." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 22 (2008): 5-37.
