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Conference Paper
[1116] Clark, Malcolm, Ian Ruthven, and Patrik O'Brian Holt. "Genre analysis of structured e-mails for corpus profiling." In Proceedings of the 2008 BCS-IRSG conference on Corpus Profiling. Swinton, UK, UK: British Computer Society, 2008.
[913] Rehm, Georg. "Towards Automatic Web Genre Identification." In 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1143-1152., 2002.
Journal Article
[1004] White, Hayden. "Anomalies of Genre: The Utility of Theory and History for the Study of Literary Genres." New Literary History 34 (2003): 597-615.
[922] Ross, Derek G.. "Ars Dictaminis Perverted: The Personal Solicitation E-Mail as a Genre." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 39 (2009): 25-41.
[922] Ross, Derek G.. "Ars Dictaminis Perverted: The Personal Solicitation E-Mail as a Genre." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 39 (2009): 25-41.
[922] Ross, Derek G.. "Ars Dictaminis Perverted: The Personal Solicitation E-Mail as a Genre." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 39 (2009): 25-41.
[597] Artemeva, Natasha, and Janna Fox. "Awareness Versus Production: Probing Students' Antecedent Genre Knowledge." Journal of Business & Technical Communication 24 (2010): 476-515.
[967] Stevens, Scott. "The Better Part of Pedagogy." Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture 1 (2002): 373-385.
[634] Benoit, William L.. "Beyond Genre Theory: The Genesis of Rhetorical Action." Communication Monographs 67 (2000): 178-192.
[881] Mittell, Jason. "Cartoon Realism: Genre Mixing and the Cultural Life of the Simpsons." Velvet Light Trap: A Critical Journal of Film & Television (2001): 15-30.
[716] Doelman, James. "Circulation of the Late Elizabethan and Early Stuart Epigram." Renaissance and Reformation/Renaissance et Réforme 29 (2005): 59-73.
[732] Farrell, Joseph. "Classical Genre in Theory and Practice." New Literary History 34 (2003): 383-408.
[712] DiMaggio, Paul. "Classification in Art." American Sociological Review 52 (1987): 440-455.
[886] Montesi, Michela, and Trilce Navarrete. "Classifying Web Genres in Context: A Case Study Documenting the Web Genres Used by a Software Engineer." Information Processing and Management 44 (2008): 1410-1430.
[886] Montesi, Michela, and Trilce Navarrete. "Classifying Web Genres in Context: A Case Study Documenting the Web Genres Used by a Software Engineer." Information Processing and Management 44 (2008): 1410-1430.
[1396] Lewis, Justin. "CMSs, Bittorrent Trackers and Large-Scale Rhetorical Genres: Analyzing Collective Activity in Participatory Digital Spaces." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 46, no. 1 (2016).
[1396] Lewis, Justin. "CMSs, Bittorrent Trackers and Large-Scale Rhetorical Genres: Analyzing Collective Activity in Participatory Digital Spaces." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 46, no. 1 (2016).
[1316] Bruce, Ian. "Cognitive genre structures in Methods sections of research articles: A corpus study." Journal of English for Academic Purposes 7, no. 1 (2008): 38-54.
[975] Swarts, Jason. "Coherent Fragments: The Problem of Mobility and Genred Information." Written Communication 23 (2006): 173-201.
[975] Swarts, Jason. "Coherent Fragments: The Problem of Mobility and Genred Information." Written Communication 23 (2006): 173-201.
[905] Pendergast, John. "'Comedies for Commodities': Genre and Early Modern Dramatic Epistles." English Literary Renaissance 38 (2008): 483-505.
[916] Romano, Dennis. "Commentary: Why Opera? The Politics of an Emerging Genre." Journal of Interdisciplinary History 36 (2006): 401-409.
[988] van Dijck, José. "Composing the Self: Of Diaries and Lifelogs." Fibreculture: Internet Theory, Criticism, Research (2004):
[988] van Dijck, José. "Composing the Self: Of Diaries and Lifelogs." Fibreculture: Internet Theory, Criticism, Research (2004):
[846] Liestøl, Gunnar. "Conducting Genre Convergence for Learning." International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning 16 (2006): 255-270.
