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[951] Siemens, Ray, and Susan Schreibman. A Companion to Digital Literary Studies. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2007.
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[931] Saiber, Arielle. "The Polyvalent Discourse of Electronic Music." Publications of the Modern Language Association 122 (2007): 1613-1625.
[941] Schryer, Catherine F., Lorelei Lingard, and Marlee Spafford. "Regularized Practices: Genres, Improvisation, and Identity Formation in Health-Care Professions." In Communicative Practices in Workplaces and the Professions: Cultural Perspectives on the Regulation of Discourse and Organizations, edited by Charlotte Thralls and Mark Zachry, 21-44. Amityville, NY: Baywood, 2007.
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[920] Rosen, Jay. Bloggers vs. Journalists Is Over. Vol. 2006. PressThink, 2005.
[814] Kain, Donna, and Elizabeth Wardle. "Building Context: Using Activity Theory to Teach about Genre in Multi-Major Professional Communication Courses." Technical Communication Quarterly 14 (2005): 113-139.
[814] Kain, Donna, and Elizabeth Wardle. "Building Context: Using Activity Theory to Teach about Genre in Multi-Major Professional Communication Courses." Technical Communication Quarterly 14 (2005): 113-139.
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[856] Luzón, María José. "Genre Analysis in Technical Communication." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 48 (2005): 285-295.
[792] Herrington, Anne, and Charles Moran. "The Idea of Genre in Theory and Practice: An Overview of the Work in Genre in the Fields of Composition and Rhetoric and New Genre Studies." In Genre across the Curriculum, edited by Anne Herrington and Charles Moran, 1-18. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2005.
[903] Peagler, Shane T., and Kathleen Blake Yancey. "The Resume as Genre: A Rhetorical Foundation for First-Year Composition." In Genre across the Curriculum, edited by Anne Herrington and Charles Moran, 152-168. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2005.
[594] Anson, Chris M., Deanna P. Dannels, and Karen St. Clair. "Teaching and Learning a Multimodal Genre in a Psychology Course." In Genre across the Curriculum, edited by Anne Herrington and Charles Moran, 171-191. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2005.
[1226] Edwards, Mike, and Heidi McKee. "The Teaching and Learning of Web Genres in First-Year Composition." In Genre across the Curriculum, edited by Anne Herrington and Charles Moran, 196-218. Logan, UT: Utah State UP, 2005.
[1239] Claggett, Fran. Teaching writing: Craft, art, genre. Urbana, Ill: National Council of Teachers of English, 2005.
[943] Schryer, Catherine F., Lorelei Lingard, and Marlee M. Spafford. "Techne or Artful Science and the Genre of Case Presentations in Healthcare Settings." Communication Monographs 72 (2005): 234-260.
[817] Kaufer, David, Cheryl Geisler, Suguru Ishizaki, and Pantelis Vlachos. "Textual Genre Analysis and Identification." In Ambient Intelligence for Scientific Discovery, edited by Yang Cai, 129-151. Vol. 3345. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3345. Berlin: Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2005.
[791] Herring, Susan C., Lois Ann Scheidt, Sabrina Bonus, and Elijah Wright. "Weblogs as a Bridging Genre." Information, Technology & People 18 (2005): 142-171.
[601] Askehave, Inger, and Anne Ellerup Nielsen. "What Are the Characteristics of Digital Genres? Genre Theory from a Multi-Modal Perspective." In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Science, edited by Jr. Sprague, Ralph H., 98a-. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2005.
