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[691] Connors, Robert J.. "Genre Theory in Literature." In Form, Genre, and the Study of Political Discourse, edited by Herbert W. Simons and Aram A. Aghazarian, 25-44. Studies in Rhetoric/Communication. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1986.
[721] Dubrow, Heather. Genre. London: Methuen, 1982.
[887] Moretti, Franco. Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for a Literary History. London: Verso, 2005.
literature review
[1397] Schryer, Catherine F.. "Genre Theory and Research." In Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, edited by Marcia J. Bates and Mary Niles Maack, 1934-1942. 3rd ed. Taylor & Francis: New York, 2010.
[691] Connors, Robert J.. "Genre Theory in Literature." In Form, Genre, and the Study of Political Discourse, edited by Herbert W. Simons and Aram A. Aghazarian, 25-44. Studies in Rhetoric/Communication. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1986.
[815] Kamberelis, George. "Genre as Institutionally Informed Social Practice." Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 6 (1995): 115-171.
[900] Parisi, Luciana. "Generative Classifications." Theory, Culture, & Society 23 (2006): 32-35.
[944] Schryer, Catherine F., and Philippa Spoel. "Genre Theory, Health-Care Discourse, and Professional Identity Formation." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 19 (2005): 249-278.
[662] Burke, Kenneth. A Grammar of Motives. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969.
[912] Ravelli, Louise J.. "Genre and the Museum Exhibition." Linguistics and the Human Sciences 2 (2006): 299-317.
[1760] Fogarty-Bourget, C. G., N. Artemeva, and J. Fox. "Gestural Silence: An engagement device in the multimodal genre of the chalk talk lecture." In Engagement in professional genres: Disclosure and deference, 277-296. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2019.
[912] Ravelli, Louise J.. "Genre and the Museum Exhibition." Linguistics and the Human Sciences 2 (2006): 299-317.
