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[972] Swales, John M.. Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings In Cambridge Applied Linguistics Series, Edited by Michael H. Long and Jack C. Richards. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
[984] Todorov, Tzvetan. Genres in Discourse. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
[1262] Bleich, David. "Genders of Writing." Journal of Advanced Composition 9, no. 1-2 (1989): 10-25.
[1235] Fowler, Alastair. "Género y canon literario." In Teoría de los géneros literarios, 95-128. Madrid, España: Arco Libros, 1988.
[933] Schliefer, Ronald, and Alan Velie. "Genre and Structure: Toward an Actantial Typology of Narrative Genres and Modes." MLN 102 (1987): 1122-1150.
[1031] Feuer, J.. "Genre study and television." In Channels of Discourse: Television and Contemporary Criticism, edited by R. Allen, 113-133. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC Press, 1987.
[839] Leff, Michael C.. "Genre and Paradigm in the Second Book of De Oratore." Southern Speech Communication Journal 51 (1986): 308-325.
[852] Lucas, Stephen E.. "Genre Criticism and Historical Context: The Case of George Washington's First Inaugural Address." Southern Speech Communication Journal 51 (1986): 354-370.
[691] Connors, Robert J.. "Genre Theory in Literature." In Form, Genre, and the Study of Political Discourse, edited by Herbert W. Simons and Aram A. Aghazarian, 25-44. Studies in Rhetoric/Communication. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1986.
[873] Miller, Carolyn R.. "Genre as Social Action." Quarterly Journal of Speech 70 (1984): 151-176.
[RN237] Miller, Carolyn R.. "Genre as Social Action." Quarterly Journal of Speech 70 (1984): 151-167.
[737] Fisher, Walter R.. "Genre: Concepts and Applications in Rhetorical Criticism." Western Journal of Speech Communication 44 (1980): 288-299.
[953] Simons, Herbert W.. "'Genre-alizing' About Rhetoric: A Scientific Approach." In Form and Genre: Shaping Rhetorical Action, edited by Karlyn Kohrs Campbell and Kathleen Hall Jamieson, 33-50. Falls Church, VA: Speech Communication Association, 1978.
[662] Burke, Kenneth. A Grammar of Motives. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969.
