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[826] Disembodied Voices: The Problem of Context and Form in Theories of Genre." In The Rhetoric and Ideology of Genre: Strategies for Stability and for Change, edited by Richard Coe, Lorelei Lingard and Tatiana Teslenko, 275-296. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2002.
"[RN43] Policies and Procedures." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 27 (1997): 147-161.
"[825] A Theory of Discourse: The Aims of Discourse. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1971.
[824] The Gnome in the Front Yard and Other Public Figurations of Self-Presentation on Personal Home Pages." Biography 26 (2003): 66-83.
"[RN163] Self-Published Web Résumés: Their Purposes and Their Genre Systems." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 20 (2006): 425-459.
"[RN1] The Rhetorical Situations of Web RÈsumÈs." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 39 (2009): 263-284.
"[RN19] Amplification in Technical Manuals: Theory and Practice." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 19 (1989): 13-29.
"[822] Email Forwardables: Folklore in the Age of the Internet." New Media & Society 7 (2005): 770-790.
"[RN2] Geopolitics of Grant Writing: Discursive and Stylistic Features of Nonprofit Grant Proposals in Nepal and the United States." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 44 (2014): 141-170.
"[821] Automatic Detection of Text Genre." In Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and Eighth Conference of teh European Association for Computational Linguistics, 32-38. Madrid, 1997.
"[819] The Classification of Genres." Genre 16 (1983): 1-20.
"[820] Interpretation and Genre Perception." Semiotica 56 (1985): 133-146.
"[1291] Hacking Science: Emerging Parascientific Genres and Public Participation in Scientific Research. Vol. Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University Institutional Repository, 2014.
[1419] Networks, Genres, and Complex Wholes: Citizen Science and How We Act Together through Typified Text." Canadian Journal of Communication 41, no. 2 (2016): 287-304.
"[818] Trust No One: The Conspiracy Genre on American Television." Southern Communication Journal 73 (2008): 105-121.
"[1271] Food, film and culture: a genre study. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2006.
[RN174] Teaching Language Awareness in Rhetorical Choice: Using IText and Visualization in Classroom Genre Assignments." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 18 (2004): 361-402.
"[RN142] A Corpus Study of Canned Letters: Mining the Latent Rhetorical Proficiencies Marketed to Writers-in-a-Hurry and Non-Writers." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 49 (2006): 254-266.
"[817] Textual Genre Analysis and Identification." In Ambient Intelligence for Scientific Discovery, edited by Yang Cai, 129-151. Vol. 3345. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3345. Berlin: Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2005.
"[816] The Legitimate but Unchristened Genre of Tragisatire." Centennial Review 15 (1971): 84-98.
"[RN143] Research Article Structure of Research Article Introductions in Three Engineering Subdisciplines." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 55 (2012): 294-309.
"[1223] Cultural Artifacts as Scaffolds for Genre Development." Reading Research Quarterly 34 (1999): 138-170.
"[815] Genre as Institutionally Informed Social Practice." Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 6 (1995): 115-171.
"[813] Constructing Genre: A Threefold Typology." Technical Communication Quarterly 14 (2005): 375-409.
"[814] Building Context: Using Activity Theory to Teach about Genre in Multi-Major Professional Communication Courses." Technical Communication Quarterly 14 (2005): 113-139.