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[RN232] Dusenberry, Lisa, Liz Hutter, and Joy Robinson. "Filter. Remix. Make.: Cultivating Adaptability Through Multimodality." Journal of Technical Writing & Communication 45 (2015): 299-322.
[1154] Russell, David, Mary Lea, Jan Parker, Brian Street, and Tiane Donahue. "Exploring Notions of Genre in ‘Academic Literacies’ and ‘Writing Across the Curriculum’: Approaches Across Countries and Contexts." In Writing Across the Curriculum: A Critical Sourcebook, 448-472. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2011.
[718] Downey, Sharon D.. "The Evolution of the Rhetorical Genre of Apologia." Western Journal of Communication 57 (1993): 42-64.
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[1199] Drott, E. "The End(s) of Genre." Journal of Music Theory 57, no. 1 (2013): 1-45.
[1252] Drott, Eric. "The End(s) of Genre." Journal of Music Theory 57, no. 1 (2013): 1-45.
