About GXB

Genre is a idea that crosses disciplinary, national, methodological, conceptual, and pedagogical borders. The purpose of Genre across Borders (GXB) is to advance genre theory and research by helping scholars and students cross these borders. The site combines two primary functions:

  • As a reference guide to scholarship in the many fields of genre study
  • As a networking portal for scholars and teachers

GXB aims to offer a comprehensive overview of the multiple strands of genre scholarship and their relationships, in order to catalyze intellectual exchange and pedagogical innovation and to help us understand the processes and motivations of genre development, evolution, and circulation.

GXB now features translations of research introductions on our Research page. Contact us to contribute a translation. You may also select an interface display language on your Profile page.

More about GXB >

Sample Bibliography

[RN254] Spinuzzi, C. (2004).  Four Ways to Investigate Assemblages of Texts: Genre Sets, Systems, Repertoires, and Ecologies. 22nd Annual International Conference on Design of Communication: The Engineering of Quality Documentation. 110–116.
[1308] Bach, U., & Stein D. (1992).  From Private Writing to Public Oration: The Case of Puritan Wills. Cognitive Discourse Analysis Applied to the Study of Genre Change. Cooperating with Written Texts: The Pragmatics and Comprehension of Written Texts. 1, 417–436.

Glossary Sample

A progression made in the field of Rhetoric and Composition studies, where genre is the "guiding context" in a number of composition textbooks (Bawarshi and Reif, 2010).  The "turn" that is made takes a focus on "the teaching of writing at various levels and in various contexts" and expands it to "the study of writing as a form of ideological action and social participation," and finally focuses on conducting "research on writing, metacognition, and transferability" (Bawarshi and Reif, 2010).

User Spotlight

Name: Sabine Mas
Institution: Université de Montréal
Department/Program Affiliation: École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information (EBSI)
Education: Ph.D Information Science, Université de Montréal, 2007
Status: Assistant professor
Twitter: @sabinemas
Biography: I have a backgound in archival science. I'm interesting in archival theory, records management, digital diplomatics, and faceted classification.

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