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[611] Basso, Keith. "The ethnography of writing." In Explorations in the ethnography of speaking, edited by Richard Bauman and Joel Sherzer, 425-432. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1974.
[611] Basso, Keith. "The ethnography of writing." In Explorations in the ethnography of speaking, edited by Richard Bauman and Joel Sherzer, 425-432. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1974.
[631] Beaufort, Anne. "Learning the Trade: A Social Apprenticeship Model for Gaining Writing Expertise." Written Communication 17 (2000): 185-223.
[632] Beebee, Thomas O.. The Ideology of Genre: A Comparative Study of Generic Instability. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994.
[660] Brooks, Kevin, Cindy Nichols, and Sybil Pirebe. "Remediation, Genre, and Motivation: Key Concepts for Teaching with Weblogs." In Into the Blogosphere: Rhetoric, Community, and the Culture of Weblogs, edited by Laura Gurak, Smiljana Antonijevic, Laurie Johnson, Clancy Ratliff and Jessica Reymann. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Libraries,, 2004.
[908] Prior, Paul. "From Bakhtin to Mediated Multimodal Genre Systems." In 4th International Symposium on Genre Studies, edited by Adair Bonini, Débora de Darvalho Figueiredo and Fábio José Rauen, 277-286. Tubarão, Brazil: University of Southern Santa Catarina, 2007.
[607] Bakardjieva, Maria. Internet Society: The Internet in Everyday Life. London: Sage, 2005.
[644] Bhatia, Vijay K.. Worlds of Written Discourse In Advances in Applied Linguistics, Edited by Christopher N. Candlin and Srikant Sarangi. London: Continuum, 2004.
[632] Beebee, Thomas O.. The Ideology of Genre: A Comparative Study of Generic Instability. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994.
[654] Boyne, Roy. "Classification." Theory, Culture, & Society 23 (2006): 21-50.
[633] Beghtol, Clare. "The Concept of Genre and Its Characteristics." Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 27 (2001):
[626] Bazerman, Charles. "Singular Utterances: Realizing Local Activities through Typified Forms in Typified Circumstances." In Analysing Professional Genres, edited by Anna Trosborg, 25-40. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2000.
[632] Beebee, Thomas O.. The Ideology of Genre: A Comparative Study of Generic Instability. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994.
[647] Bitzer, Lloyd F.. "Functional Communication: A Situational Perspective." In Rhetoric in Transition: Studies in the Nature and Uses of Rhetoric, edited by Eugene E. White, 21-38. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1980.
threatening communications; illicit genres; genre studies; uptake; violent communication
[1766] Bojsen-Møller, Marie, Sune Auken, Amy J. Devitt, and Tanya Karoli Christensen. "Illicit Genres: The Case of Threatening Communications." Sakprosa 12, no. 1 (2020): 1-53.
[653] Bolter, Jay David. "Theory and Practice in New Media Studies." In Digital Media Revisited: Theoretical and Conceptual Innovations in Digital Domains, edited by Gunnar Liestol, Andrew Morrison and Terje Rasmussen, 15-33. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004.
[612] Bateman, John. "Introduction to the Special Issue on Genre." Linguistics and the Human Sciences 2 (2007): 177-183.
