Four Ways to Investigate Assemblages of Texts: Genre Sets, Systems, Repertoires, and Ecologies

TítuloFour Ways to Investigate Assemblages of Texts: Genre Sets, Systems, Repertoires, and Ecologies
Tipo de publicaciónBook Chapter
Year of Publication2004
AutoresSpinuzzi, Clay
Book Title22nd Annual International Conference on Design of Communication: The Engineering of Quality Documentation
PublisherAssociation for Computing Machinery
Place PublishedMemphis, TN
Palabras claveecology, genre, repertoire, set, system

Genre theorists agree that genres work together in assemblages.But what is the nature of these assemblages? In this paper I
describe four frameworks that have been used to describe
assemblages of genres: genre sets, genre systems, genre
repertoires, and genre ecologies. At first glance, they seem to be
interchangeable, but there are definite and sometimes quite deep
differences among them. I compare and contrast these frameworks
and suggest when each might be most useful.

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