Katja Thieme

8 個の結果をエクスポート:
フィルター: 投稿者 is Thieme, Katja
[1103] Thieme, Katja. "Uptake and genre: The Canadian reception of suffrage militancy." Women's Studies International Forum 29 (2006): 288.
[1104] Thieme, Katja. "Constitutive rhetoric as an aspect of audience design: The public texts of Canadian suffragists." Written Communication 27 (2010): 36-56.
[1105] Thieme, Katja. "Letters to the women's page editor: Reading Francis Marion Beynon's "The Country Homemakers" and a public culture for women." In Basements and attics, closets and cyberspace, edited by Linda M. Morra and Jessica Schagerl, 215-231. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2012.
[1779] Thieme, Katja, and Mary Ann S. Saunders. "How do you wish to be cited? Citation practices and a scholarly community of care in trans studies research articles." Journal of English for Academic Purposes 321315225151110329295992010220217325082325756200523392114218323882 (2018): 80-90.
[1780] Thieme, Katja. "Spacious Grammar: Agency and Intention in the Teaching of Research Writing." Discourse and Writing/Rédactologie 32 (2022): 281-299.
[1781] Thieme, Katja. "A Play on Occlusion: Uptake of Letters to the University President." Rhetoric Review 41118833, no. 31 (2022): 226-239.
[1782] Thieme, Katja. "Surface and Depth: Metalanguage and Professional Development in Canadian Writing Studies." Discourse and Writing/Rédactologie 29 (2019): 148-158.
[1783] Thieme, Katja. "Do We Need New Method Names? Descriptions of Method in Scholarship on Canadian Literature." ESC: English Studies in Canada 44, no. 1 (2017): 91-110.
エラー | Genre Across Borders (GXB)

