Genre and Institutions: Social Processes in the Workplace and School

TitleGenre and Institutions: Social Processes in the Workplace and School
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsChristie, Frances, and J. R. Martin
Place PublishedLondon
Keywordseducation, genre, teaching

Introduction / Frances Christie and J. R. Martin -- 1. Analysing genre: functional parameters / J. R.
Martin -- 2. Science, technology and technical
literacies / David Rose -- 3. The language of
administration: organizing human activity in
formal institutions / Rick Iedema -- 4. Death,
disruption and the moral order: the narrative
impulse in mass-'hard news' reporting / Peter
White -- 5. Curriculum macrogenres as forms of
initiation into a culture / Frances Christie -- 6.
Learning how to mean - scientifically speaking:
apprenticeship into scientific discourse in the
secondary school / Robert Veel --
7. Constructing and giving value to the past: an
investigation into second school history / Caroline
Coffin -- 8. Entertaining and instructing: exploring
experience through story / Joan Rothery and
Maree Stenglin.

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