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[912] Ravelli, Louise J.. "Genre and the Museum Exhibition." Linguistics and the Human Sciences 2 (2006): 299-317.
[883] Mittell, Jason. Genre and Television: From Cop Shows to Cartoons in American Culture. New York: Routledge, 2004.
[729] Fahnestock, Jeanne. "Genre and Rhetorical Craft." Research in the Teaching of English 27 (1993): 265-271.
[940] Schryer, Catherine F.. "Genre and Power: A Chronotopic Analysis." In The Rhetoric and Ideology of Genre: Strategies for Stability and Change, edited by Richard Coe, Lorelei Lingard and Tatiana Teslenko, 73-102. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2002.
[940] Schryer, Catherine F.. "Genre and Power: A Chronotopic Analysis." In The Rhetoric and Ideology of Genre: Strategies for Stability and Change, edited by Richard Coe, Lorelei Lingard and Tatiana Teslenko, 73-102. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2002.
[839] Leff, Michael C.. "Genre and Paradigm in the Second Book of De Oratore." Southern Speech Communication Journal 51 (1986): 308-325.
[678] Christie, Frances, and J. R. Martin. Genre and Institutions: Social Processes in the Workplace and School. London: Cassell, 1997.
[1224] Johns, Ann M.. "Genre and ESL/EFL Composition Instruction." In Exploring the Dynamics of Second Language Writing, edited by Barbara Kroll, 195-217. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003.
[1007] Winsor, Dorothy A.. "Genre and Activity Systems: The Role of Documentation in Maintaining and Changing Engineering Activity Systems." Written Communication 16 (1999): 200-224.
[856] Luzón, María José. "Genre Analysis in Technical Communication." IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 48 (2005): 285-295.
[647] Bitzer, Lloyd F.. "Functional Communication: A Situational Perspective." In Rhetoric in Transition: Studies in the Nature and Uses of Rhetoric, edited by Eugene E. White, 21-38. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1980.
[774] Greenblatt, Stephen. "The Forms of Power and the Power of Forms in the Renaissance." Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture 15 (1982).
[744] Fowler, Alastair. "The Formation of Genres in the Renaissance and After." New Literary History 34 (2003): 185-200.
[591] Altman, Rick. Film/Genre. London: British Film Institute, 1999.
[834] Langford, Barry. Film Genre: Hollywood and Beyond. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005.
[981] Todorov, Tzvetan. The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1975.
[1420] Miller, Carolyn R., and Ashley R. Kelly. "Discourse Genres." In Verbal Communication, edited by A. Rocci and L. de Saussure, 269-286. Handbooks of Communication Science. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016.
