Teaching writing: Craft, art, genre

TitleTeaching writing: Craft, art, genre
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsClaggett, Fran
PublisherNational Council of Teachers of English
Place PublishedUrbana, Ill
ISBN Number0-8141-5250-3
Keywordscomposition, genre, middle, resource, secondary, teaching, writing

In today’s educational climate, it is more important than ever that we prepare our students to be effective and competent writers who can write for a variety of purposes. How can we teach our students the skills they need to be successful while also fostering an appreciation for the process, craft, and art of writing?

Drawing from sound theory and research as well as on many years of experience in the English classroom, Fran Claggett and colleagues Joan Brown, Nancy Patterson, and Louann Reid have created a writing teacher’s resource to help both new and experienced teachers sort through the often complex issues in the teaching of writing. With innovative, teacher-tested strategies for creating a classroom in which students thrive as writers, Teaching Writing: Craft, Art, Genre is a must-have addition to every writing teacher’s library.
In this volume, you’ll discover:

  • Research-based discussions on key issues
  • Classroom-ready lessons for teaching genre
  • Methods for incorporating poetry into the writing program
  • Rationale and lessons for using modeling to teach writing
  • Ideas for integrating technology in the English classroom
  • Strategies for teaching grammar in contexts for writing
  • Examples of student work that illustrate teaching concepts
  • Sample rubrics for assessment and student self-assessment
  • An extensive bibliography of resources

192 pp. 2005. Grades 7–12. ISBN 0-8141-5250-3.

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