The Wider Circle of Friends in Adolescence

TítuloThe Wider Circle of Friends in Adolescence
Tipo de publicaciónJournal Article
Year of Publication1995
AutoresGiordano, Peggy C.
JournalAmerican Journal of Sociology
Palabras claveautograph, genre, yearbook

Adolescents interact with a variety of peers, in addition to the closefriends generally emphasized in the literature. In this article I contrast
the style and content of the communications directed to close
friends and other youths characterized by varying degrees of "nearness
and remoteness." The handwritten messages found in high
school yearbooks are analyzed and used to illustrate some of the
distinct features of each type of discourse. This analysis suggests
that while intimate relations undoubtedly playa key role in development,
adolescents also learn a great deal about themselves and
the social world they must navigate through their interactions with
the wider circle of friends.

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