Beyond Convention: Genre Innovation in Academic Writing

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TítuloBeyond Convention: Genre Innovation in Academic Writing
Tipo de publicaciónBook
Year of Publication2016
AutoresTardy, Christine M.
Series TitleEnglish Language Teaching
PublisherUniversity of Michigan Press
Place PublishedAnn Arbor, MI
ISBN Number978-0-472-03647-9
Palabras clavegenre innovation

"This book attempts to engage directly with the complexities and tensions in genre from both theoretical and pedagogical perspectives. While struggling with questions of why, when, and how different writers can manipulate conventions, Tardy became interested in related research into voice and identity in academic writing and then began to consider the ways that genre can be a valuable tool that allows writing students and teachers to explore expected conventions and transformative innovations. For Tardy, genres aren’t “fixed,” and she argues also that neither genre constraints nor innovations are objective—that they can be accepted or rejected depending on the context." - See more at:

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