Genre Studies around the Globe: Beyond the Three Tradition

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Título Genre Studies around the Globe: Beyond the Three Tradition
Tipo de publicaciónBook
Year of Publication2016
AutoresArtemeva, Natasha, and Aviva Freedman
PublisherInkshed Publications and Trafford Publishing
Place PublishedEdmonton, Alberta
ISBN Number978-1-49076-631-7

Genre Studies around the Globe: Beyond the Three Traditions exemplifies rich and vibrant international scholarship in the area of non-literary genre studies in the early 21st century. Based on the "Genre 2012" conference held in Ottawa, Canada, the volume brings under one cover the three Anglophone traditions (English for Specific Purposes, the Sydney School, Rhetorical Genre Studies) and the approaches to genre studies developed in other national, linguistic, and cultural contexts (Brazilian, Chilean, and European). The volume contributors investigate a variety of genres, ranging from written to spoken to multimodal, and discuss issues, central to the field of genre studies: genre conceptualization in different traditions, its theoretical underpinnings, the goals of genre research, and pedagogical implications of genre studies. This collection is addressed to researchers, teachers, and students of genre who wish to familiarize themselves with current international developments in genre studies.