Genres in the forefront, languages in the background: The scope of genre analysis in language-related scenarios

Imagen de llantada
TítuloGenres in the forefront, languages in the background: The scope of genre analysis in language-related scenarios
Tipo de publicaciónJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AutoresPérez-Llantada, Carmen
JournalJournal of English for Academic Purposes
Place PublishedThe Netherlands
Palabras claveacademic (multi)literacies, academic Englishes, communities of practice, EAP teaching, English as an International Language, rhetorical move analysis, task-based approach

Drawing on bibliometric methods (citation analysis and content analysis) and literature review, this paper offers some critical reflections of how genre analysis has been used, applied, expanded and refined to address the challenges of a culturally and linguistically diverse academic and research community. The first reflection opens with a brief review of the privileged status of English as the international language of academic and research communication to discuss contrasting scholarly positions that regard ‘Englishization’ as either ‘help’ or ‘hindrance’. The second reflection focuses on rhetorical move analysis, an aspect of genre theory that to date has been little considered outside ESP/EAP traditions of genre analysis. It discusses how move analysis, in cross-fertilization with various theoretical/analytical frameworks, can add to our understanding of the way L2 academic English writers accomplish meso- and micro-rhetorical manoeuvres. The final reflection touches upon the impact of internationalization and research assessment policies on the current knowledge exchange, dissemination and publication practices to emphasize the value of the Swalesian task-based approach and advocate a multiliterate rhetorical consciousness-raising pedagogy. The paper concludes with some suggestions for future genre research and proposes ways of articulating cogent language instructional intervention to empower members of bi-/multiliterate academic and research communities professionally.

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