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[988] van Dijck, José. "Composing the Self: Of Diaries and Lifelogs." Fibreculture: Internet Theory, Criticism, Research (2004):
[700] Danielewicz, Jane. "Personal Genres, Public Voices." College Composition and Communication 59 (2008): 420-450.
[769] González de Cosío, Maria, and Mary C. Dyson. "Identifying Graphic Conventions for Genre Definition in Web Sites." Digital Creativity 13 (2002): 165-181.
[713] Dimock, Wai Chee. "Introduction: Genres as Fields of Knowledge." Publications of the Modern Language Association 122 (2007): 1377-1388.
[723] Dunmire, Patricia L.. "Genre as Temporally Situated Social Action." Written Communication 17 (2000): 93-138.
[706] Desai, Kalpesh Kaushik, and Suman Basuroy. Interactive Influence of Genre Familiarity, Star Power, and Critics' Reviews in the Cultural Goods Industry: The Case of Motion Pictures In Psychology and Marketing. Vol. 22., 2005.
[703] Dayton, David. "Evaluating Environmental Impact Statements as Communicative Action." Journal of Technical and Business Communication 16 (2002): 355-405.
[720] Dryer, Dylan B.. "The Persistence of Institutional Memory: Genre Uptake and Program Reform." Writing Program Administration 3` (2008): 32-51.
[718] Downey, Sharon D.. "The Evolution of the Rhetorical Genre of Apologia." Western Journal of Communication 57 (1993): 42-64.
[717] Dowling, Ralph E.. "Terrorism and the Media: A Rhetorical Genre." Journal of Communication 36 (1986): 12-24.
[711] Dillon, A., and B. A. Gushrowski. "Genres and the Web: Is the Personal Home Page the First Uniquely Digital Genre?" Journal of the American Society for Information Science 51 (2000): 202-205.
[714] Ding, Huiling. "The Use of Cognitive and Social Apprenticeship to Teach a Disciplinary Genre: Initiation of Graduate Students into NIH Grant Writing." Written Communication 25 (2008): 3-52.
genre awareness
[1420] Miller, Carolyn R., and Ashley R. Kelly. "Discourse Genres." In Verbal Communication, edited by A. Rocci and L. de Saussure, 269-286. Handbooks of Communication Science. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016.
genre knowledge
[1027] Devitt, Amy J.. "Teaching Critical Genre Awareness." In Genre in a Changing World, edited by Charles Bazerman, Adair Bonini and Débora Figueiredo, 337-351. Fort Collins, CO: WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press, 2009.
genre set
[707] Devitt, Amy J.. "Intertextuality in Tax Accounting: Generic, Referential, and Functional." In Textual Dynamics of the Professions: Historical and Contemporary Studies of Writing in Professional Communities, edited by Charles Bazerman and James Paradis, 336-335. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1991.
genre study
[716] Doelman, James. "Circulation of the Late Elizabethan and Early Stuart Epigram." Renaissance and Reformation/Renaissance et Réforme 29 (2005): 59-73.
genre system
[1420] Miller, Carolyn R., and Ashley R. Kelly. "Discourse Genres." In Verbal Communication, edited by A. Rocci and L. de Saussure, 269-286. Handbooks of Communication Science. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016.
[719] Dryer, Dylan B.. "Taking Up Space: On Genre Systems as Geographies of the Possible." JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory 28 (2008): 503-534.
grades 9-12
[1238] Dean, Deborah. Genre theory: Teaching, writing, and being. Urbana, Ill: National Council of Teachers of English, 2008.
[703] Dayton, David. "Evaluating Environmental Impact Statements as Communicative Action." Journal of Technical and Business Communication 16 (2002): 355-405.
[988] van Dijck, José. "Composing the Self: Of Diaries and Lifelogs." Fibreculture: Internet Theory, Criticism, Research (2004):
high school
[1238] Dean, Deborah. Genre theory: Teaching, writing, and being. Urbana, Ill: National Council of Teachers of English, 2008.
