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[875] Miller, Carolyn R., and David A. Jolliffe. "Discourse Classifications in Nineteenth-Century Rhetorical Pedagogy." Southern Speech Communication Journal 51 (1986): 371-384.
[954] Simons, Herbert W., and Aram A. Aghazarian. Form, Genre, and the Study of Political Discourse. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1986.
[839] Leff, Michael C.. "Genre and Paradigm in the Second Book of De Oratore." Southern Speech Communication Journal 51 (1986): 308-325.
[852] Lucas, Stephen E.. "Genre Criticism and Historical Context: The Case of George Washington's First Inaugural Address." Southern Speech Communication Journal 51 (1986): 354-370.
[691] Connors, Robert J.. "Genre Theory in Literature." In Form, Genre, and the Study of Political Discourse, edited by Herbert W. Simons and Aram A. Aghazarian, 25-44. Studies in Rhetoric/Communication. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1986.
[684] Cohen, Ralph. "History and Genre." New Literary History 17 (1986): 203-218.
[609] Bakhtin, M. M.. "The Problem of Speech Genres." In Speech Genres and Other Late Essays, edited by Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist, 60-102. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1986.
[842] Lewalski, Barbara Kiefer. Renaissance Genres: Essays on Theory, HIstory, and Interpretation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1986.
[896] Osborn, Michael. "Rhetorical Depiction." In Form, Genre, and the Study of Political Discourse, edited by Herbert W. Simons, 79-107. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1986.
[780] Hariman, Robert. "Status, Marginality, and Rhetorical Theory." Quarterly Journal of Speech 72 (1986): 38-54.
[1270] Hunter, L. "'Sweet Secrets' from Occasional Receipt to Specialised Books: The Growth of a Genre." In Banquetting Stuffe, edited by C.A Wilson, 36-59. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1986.
[717] Dowling, Ralph E.. "Terrorism and the Media: A Rhetorical Genre." Journal of Communication 36 (1986): 12-24.
[745] Freadman, Anne. "Anyone for Tennis?" In The Place of Genre in Learning: Current Debates, edited by Ian Reid, 91-124. Deakin University (Australia): Centre for in Literary Education, 1987.
[712] DiMaggio, Paul. "Classification in Art." American Sociological Review 52 (1987): 440-455.
[925] Rusch, Gebhard. "Cognition, Media Use, Genres: Socio-Psychological Aspects of Media and Genres; TV and TV-Genres in the Federal Republic of Germany." Poetics 16 (1987): 431-469.
[779] Hanks, William F.. "Discourse Genres in a Theory of Practice." American Ethnologist 14 (1987): 668-692.
[685] Cohen, Ralph. "Do Postmodern Genres Exist?" Genre 20 (1987): 241-257.
[933] Schliefer, Ronald, and Alan Velie. "Genre and Structure: Toward an Actantial Typology of Narrative Genres and Modes." MLN 102 (1987): 1122-1150.
[1031] Feuer, J.. "Genre study and television." In Channels of Discourse: Television and Contemporary Criticism, edited by R. Allen, 113-133. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC Press, 1987.
[747] Freedman, Aviva. "Learning to Write Again: Discipline-Specific Writing at University." Carleton Papers in Applied Language Studies 4 (1987): 95-115.
[RN36] Freed, Richard C.. "A Meditation on Proposals and Their Backgrounds." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 17 (1987): 157-163.
[1196] Reid, Ian. The Place of Genre in Learning: Current Debates. Deakin University: Centre for Studies in Literary Education, 1987.
[785] Hauptmeier, Halmut. "Sketches of Theories of Genre." Poetics 16 (1987): 397-430.
[1258] McCarthy, Lucille P.. "A stranger in strange lands: A college student writing across the curriculum." Research in the Teaching of English 21, no. 3 (1987): 233-265.
[935] Schmidt, S. J.. "Towards a Constructivist Theory of Media Genre." Poetics 16 (1987): 371-395.
