

  1. Composition Studies

    ... a history of association with literary approaches to genre dating back to the formation of such departments in the late nineteenth ... theory created the conditions for composition’s “social turn.” In the discipline’s primary journals and books distributed by its ...

    Basic page - Anonymous (未验证) - 03/29/2014 - 14:47 - 0 则评论

  2. Composition Studies

    ... a history of association with literary approaches to genre dating back to the formation of such departments in the late nineteenth ... theory created the conditions for composition’s “social turn.” In the discipline’s primary journals and books distributed by its ...

    Research Introduction - Reify - 09/15/2021 - 15:52

  3. Systemic Functional Linguistics

    ... of Technology Sydney Over the past several decades genre has come to have particular prominence in the field of educational ... and the issue of context in analyses of genre. Finally I turn to the question of whether it matters that the term genre means ...

    Basic page - Ashley - 09/19/2013 - 21:50 - 0 则评论

  4. Systemic Functional Linguistics

    ... Posted June 2013 Over the past several decades genre has come to have particular prominence in the field of educational ... and the issue of context in analyses of genre. Finally I turn to the question of whether it matters that the term genre means ...

    Research Introduction - Reify - 07/04/2015 - 10:24

  5. Technical Communication

    ... in complex organizational or institutional contexts. Genre has become a mission-critical concept for the field of technical ... their members) coordinate their communications, which in turn helps them to make communication decisions repeatable and genres more ...

    Research Introduction - Ashley - 05/22/2020 - 15:33 - 0 则评论