

  1. Composition Studies

    ... a history of association with literary approaches to genre dating back to the formation of such departments in the late nineteenth ... (e.g. Flower & Hayes, 1981) or a staunch belief in the integrity of the individual subject ( e. g . Murray, 1972), “the process ...

    Basic page - Anonymous (未验证) - 03/29/2014 - 14:47 - 0 则评论

  2. Composition Studies

    ... a history of association with literary approaches to genre dating back to the formation of such departments in the late nineteenth ... (e.g. Flower & Hayes, 1981) or a staunch belief in the integrity of the individual subject ( e. g . Murray, 1972), “the process ...

    Research Introduction - Reify - 09/15/2021 - 15:52