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Conference Paper
[986] Toms, Elaine G., Grant D. Campbell, and Ruth Blades. "Does Genre Define the Shape of Information? The Role of Form and Function in User Interaction with Digital Documents." In 62nd ASIS Annual Meeting: Knowledge Creation, Organization, and Use, 693-704. Washington, DC: American Society for Information Science, 1999.
[1001] Wellek, René, and Austin Warren. Theory of Literature. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977.
Journal Article
[1002] Wells, Susan. "Freud's Rat Man and the Case Study: Genre in Three Keys." New Literary History 34 (2003): 353-366.
[1003] Wells, Susan. Genres and Their Borders: The Case of Power Structure Research. Seattle, WA: Paper presented at the conference of the Rhetoric Society of America, 2008.
Book Chapter
[1010] Wolf, Mark J. P.. "Genre and the Video Game." In The Medium of the Video Game, edited by Mark J. P. Wolf, 113-134. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2001.
[1011] Yates, JoAnne. Control Through Communication: The Rise of System in American Management In Studies in Industry and Society, Edited by Glenn Porter. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989.
