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Journal Article
[RN23] Donnell, Jeffrey. "Illustration and Language in Technical Communication." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 35 (2005): 239-271.
[1129] Devitt, Amy. "Integrating Rhetorical and Literary Theories of Genre." College English 62, no. 6 (2000).
[1750] Akbas, Erdem. "Interactional Metadiscourse in Turkish Postgraduates Academic Texts: A Comparative Study of How They Introduce and Conclude." i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching 2, no. 3 (2012): 35-42.
[713] Dimock, Wai Chee. "Introduction: Genres as Fields of Knowledge." Publications of the Modern Language Association 122 (2007): 1377-1388.
[764] Geisler, C., C. Bazerman, S. Doheny-Farina, L. Gurak, C. Haas, J. Johnson-Eilola, D. S. Kaufer, A. Lunsford, CR Miller, D. Winsor et al. "IText: Future Directions for Research on the Relationship between Information Technology and Writing." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 15 (2001): 269-308.
[RN212] Geisler, Cheryl, Charles Bazerman, Stephen Doheny-Farina, Laura Gurak, Christina Haas, Johndan Johnson-Eilola, David S. Kaufer, Andrea Lunsford, Carolyn R. Miller, Dorothy Winsor et al. "IText: Future Directions for Research on the Relationship between Information Technology and Writing." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 15 (2001): 269-308.
[704] Derrida, Jacques. "The Law of Genre." Glyph 7 (1980): 55-81.
[RN219] Dannels, Deanna P.. "Learning to Be Professional: Technical Classroom Discourse, Practice, and Professional Identity Construction." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 14 (2000): 5-37.
[1139] D'Agata, John, and Deborah Tall. "The Lyric Essay." The Seneca Review.
[710] Devitt, Amy J., Anis Bawarshi, and Mary Jo Reiff. "Materiality and Genre in the Study of Discourse Communities." College English 65 (2003): 541-558.
[RN16] Durack, Katherine T.. "Observations on Entrepreneurship, Instructional Texts, and Personal Interaction." Journal of Technical Writing and Communication 33 (2003): 87-109.
[701] Dannels, Deanna P.. "Performing tribal rituals: A genre analysis of 'crits' in design studios." Communication Education 54 (2005): 136-160.
[720] Dryer, Dylan B.. "The Persistence of Institutional Memory: Genre Uptake and Program Reform." Writing Program Administration 3` (2008): 32-51.
[700] Danielewicz, Jane. "Personal Genres, Public Voices." College Composition and Communication 59 (2008): 420-450.
[1130] Dyer, Rebecca. "Poetry of Politics and Mourning: Mahmoud Darwish’s Genre-Transforming Tribute to Edward W. Said." PMLA 122, no. 7 (2007): 1447-62.
[RN165] Dannels, Deanna P.. "Relational Genre Knowledge and the Online Design Critique: Relational Authenticity in Preprofessional Genre Learning." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 25 (2011): 3-35.
[RN122] Dayton, David, and Stephen A. Bernhardt. "Results of a Survey of ATTW Members, 2003." Technical Communication Quarterly 13 (2004): 13-43.
[994] Vaughan, Misha W., and Andrew Dillon. "The Role of Genre in Shaping Our Understanding of Digital Documents." Proceedings of the ASIS Annual Meeting 35 (1998): 559-566.
[1404] Levasseur, David G., Kevin W. Dean, and Julie Pfaff. "Speech Pedagogy Beyond the Basics: A Study of Instructional Methods in the Advanced Public Speaking Course." Communication Education 53, no. 4 (2004): 234-252.
[RN248] Graham, Scott S., Sang-Yeon Kim, Danielle M. DeVasto, and William Keith. "Statistical Genre Analysis: Toward Big Data Methodologies in Technical Communication." Technical Communication Quarterly 24 (2015): 70-104.
[RN61] Graham, Scott S., Sang-Yeon Kim, Danielle M. DeVasto, and William Keith. "Statistical Genre Analysis: Toward Big Data Methodologies in Technical Communication." Technical Communication Quarterly 24 (2015): 70-104.
[719] Dryer, Dylan B.. "Taking Up Space: On Genre Systems as Geographies of the Possible." JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory 28 (2008): 503-534.
[RN190] Dannels, Deanna P.. "Teaching and Learning Design Presentations in Engineering: Contradictions between Academic and Workplace Activity Systems." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 17 (2003): 139-169.
[RN104] Ding, Huiling. "Technical Communication Instruction in China: Localized Programs and Alternative Models." Technical Communication Quarterly 19 (2010): 300-317.
[RN183] Ditlevsen, Marianne Grove. "Telling the Story of Daniscoís Annual Reports (1935 Through 2007-2008) From a Communicative Perspective." Journal of Business and Technical Communication 26 (2012): 92-115.
