Rhetorical Organization of Chairmen's Statements

标题Rhetorical Organization of Chairmen's Statements
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsSkulstad, Aud Solbjørd
JournalInternational Journal of Applied Linguistics
关键词annual report, business, introduction, rhetoric, Swales

J. M. Swales's move-step approach (eg, 1981) to research article introductions is applied to the rhetorical organization of chairmen's statements in annual reports by British companies, drawing on 95 such documents obtained from 93 companies. The proposed relationships & confidence model suggests that these reports make three moves in their introductions: establishing relationships between the chairman, the company, & the readers; maintaining confidence; & reinforcing relationships already established. These moves are described as rhetorical strategies designed to achieve & enhance a particular image of the chairman & the company. It is suggested that the move-step method might be useful for raising the genre awareness of English for specific purpose (ESP) students & for improving ESP courses.

错误 | Genre Across Borders (GXB)

